Search Results

The Brothers Records, 1966-1999

2.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Brothers was a civil rights group that was active in Albany, New York for several years beginning in 1966.
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Marcia Brown Papers, 1940-2000

82.55 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A 1940 graduate of the New York State College for Teachers, Brown was a respected children's book writer and illustrator, and a three-time Caldecott Medal winner.
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Writings, Lectures, Speeches, and Chalk Talks, 1940-1994

Subject Files, Undated

Speeches, Writings and Lectures by Others, 1946-1978

Steven King Ainsworth Papers, 1993-2018

.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Steven King Ainsworth Papers contain his artwork and writings, including "Heads Up" bulletins written by Ainsworth for prison inmates sentenced to life, life without parole, and their advocates.
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Steven King Ainsworth Papers, 1993-2018 .33 cubic ft.

Alexander Gode Von Aesch Papers, 1924-1987

6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Includes biographical information, photographs, correspondence, writings, and periodicals related to Alexander Gode von Aesch.
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Writings by others, 1931-1987 1.25 cubic ft.

Writings by A. Gode von Aesch, 1924-1980 3.5 cubic ft.

Alice P. Green Papers, 1960-2001

1.89 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains records of the activities of Dr. Alice P. Green from her days as a student of criminal justice at the University at Albany, SUNY, through her career as founder and executive director of the Center for Law and Justice in Albany.
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Writings and Publications, 1976-2001 0.58 cubic ft.

Howard Abramowitz Papers, 1937-1985

0.6 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains research files created by and several typescript essays written by sociologist Howard D. Abramowitz. The collection amply documents his interest in the American labor movement and, in particular, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and sheds light on the scholarly research that he completed during the final years of his life.
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Writings, 1980-1985 0.15 cubic ft.

Robert D. Helsby Papers, 1966-1987

0.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Robert D. Helsby Papers include materials that document his work as first chair of the New York State Public Employment Relations Board from 1967-1977 and include publications on labor relations, New York's Taylor Law and collective bargaining.
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Writings, 1977, 1979, 1985, 1987 0.2 cubic ft.

Environmental Studies Program Records, 1969-1976

1.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
A multidisciplinary program active from 1970-1977 that encouraged the study and research of environmental issues.
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Writings, 1970-1976 0.33 cubic ft.

William J. Murray Papers, 1927-1990

4.83 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the professional work of William J. Murray, who served as assistant administrative director of the New York State Department of Civil Service from 1946-1952 and then administrative director of the Department from 1952 until his retirement in 1971.
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Marie Deans Papers, 1957-2015

4.36 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the death penalty abolitionist work of Marie McFadden Deans. A smaller amount of personal materials, such as Deans' poetry and writing, also is included.
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Albany Student Press Records, 1967-1999

1.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Comprised mainly of photographs documenting students, faculty, and campus events, as well as administrative papers relating to the organization's independence from the Student Association, the Albany Student Press Records offer a glimpse into the newspaper's activities from the late 1960s to 1990s.
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Victor L. Streib Papers, 1908-2012, Undated, bulk 1978-2007

22.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Victor Streib Papers contain research materials and legal case files on the death penalty in the United States with a focus on how it has been applied to women and juveniles.
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Abraham Bell and Son Collection, 1809-1917

22 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of 157 volumes of business books and three boxes of financial materials, correspondence, books, scrapbooks and diaries relating to the Bell Family and the Abraham Bell and Son Company.
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Office of University Relations Records, 1960-1999

36.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Contains records form the Office of University Relations and its predecessors, including the Office of Public Relations and Office of Community Relations.
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Fritz Machlup Papers, 1935-1982

0.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Fritz Machlup Papers contian a partial collection of his published writings as a professor of economics and international finance.
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Bethlehem Work On Waste Records, 1989-1996

1.99 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection is about the Bethlehem Work on Waste (BWOW) and its opposition of the American Ref-Fuel/BFI incinerator from 1989 to 1995.
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Waste Management Facility Proposals, 1989-1995 0.8 cubic ft.

Videos, 1989-1992, Undated 0.17 cubic ft.

Frieda Wunderlich Papers, 1920-1941

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Frieda Wunderlich taught at the New School for Social Research and was an authority on farm labor in Germany and the Soviet Union. The bulk of the collection consists of publications of Wunderlich, primarily in the anti-Hitler periodical Soziale Praxis, which she edited from 1923 until she emigrated to the United States in 1933.

Knolls Action Project Records, 1969-1994

24.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
These records document the day-to-day activities and interests of the Knolls Action Project (KAP).

University at Albany, SUNY Alumni Association Records, 1851-2011

60.08 cubic ft. 0 captures
Abstract Or Scope
The State University of New York at Albany Alumni Association Records document the day-to-day operations of the Alumni Association from the 1850s to the early 21st Century.
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Louis C. Jones Papers, 1936, 1941-1945, 1947-1949, 1954-1978

1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Louis C. Jones Papers consist primarily of the circular letters sent by Jones during World War II to former students of the State Teachers College and replies to these letters from service men and women. Jones was employed by the New York State College for Teachers, first as an Instructor (1934-42) and later as an Associate Professor of English (1942-46).
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World War II Correspondence, 1936, 1941-1945, 1947-1949, 1954-1978 0.9 cubic ft.

Edward J. Bloch Papers, 1931-2001

5.41 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains the papers of Edward J. Bloch (1924-2014), a native of New York who served in the military between 1943 and 1946 with assignments in Okinawa during World War II and post-war North China, taught science in Istanbul, Turkey (1947-1950), and dedicated the majority of his career to labor concerns as a representative for the labor union United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (1950-1984). Edward Bloch also served as President of the Labor Action Coalition of New York (1975 to the late 1990s), Director of the Interfaith Impact for the New York State Council of Churches (1987-1995), and ran unsuccessfully for two different congressional district seats (1984, 1986, 1995-1996). Among the many honors Bloch received during his lifetime is the Purple Heart, which he was awarded for his actions during World War II.
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World War II, 1942-1946, 1972, 1996, Undated 0.62 cubic ft.

Raymond and Sara Harris Papers, 1942-2009

15.7 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the personal and professional lives of Dr. Raymond and Sara Harris and their involvment in the Albany, N.Y. community.

Department of Information Studies Records, 1912-2004

18.47 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Documents the administrative, curricular, and social activities of the Department of Information Studies from its establishment as a one year undergraduate school for librarians in 1926 through the early part of the twenty-first century.
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The Hunger Action Network of New York State Records, 1979-2003, bulk 1979-2003

12.28 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Hunger Action Network of New York State was founded at the Food, Famine and Federalism conference on May 20th, 1982. The statewide membership organization is comprised of direct food providers, advocates, and others with the same goal of ending hunger and poverty in New York State. Today, HANNYS has more than 200 member organizations fighting in unison. The organization holds offices in New York City and Albany, New York.
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Malcolm Willison Papers, 1958-1997

14.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection details the social activism of Malcolm Willison in New York State's Capital Region. As an active board member of several local groups, his papers contain minutes, financial statements and budgets, programming ideas, brochures, planning notes, articles and reports, and clippings that detail the evolution of the various organizations contained in the collection. Organizational newsletters and event flyers, course and conference information planned by Willison in his capacity on executive boards, and vast amounts of correspondence about any number of events and issues are also part of the scope of the collection.
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Business And Professional Women's Clubs of New York State Inc. (BPWNYS) Records, 1921-2004

3.99 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
These records document the history of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs of New York State, Inc.

Eliot H. Lumbard Papers, 1943-2006

52.15 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the professional and personal life of Eliot H. Lumbard.

School of Education Records, 1927-1988

9.34 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The School of Education has its origins as the academic unit of the State Normal School in 1844. It remained a core part of the curriculum of the State College for Teachers (1914-1959) and continued after the 1960s as an academic school within a large public research university.
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The New York State Tenants & Neighbors Coalition Records, 1970-2002, bulk 1970-2002

29.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Tenants and Neighbors is a statewide coalition of New York's tenants and tenant associations that fight for tenants' rights and affordable housing for all people. The origins of Tenants and Neighbors dates to a meeting of tenant and housing activists from across the state in August 1972 at St. Rose College in Albany, N.Y. By December 1974, a formal organization was developed by housing and tenant activists across the state that drew up by-laws and created the original name as the New York Tenants Coalition. The first statewide membership meeting was held in February 1975. In 1995, the organization changed its name to New York State Tenants and Neighbors. The collection includes: minutes, annual reports, newsletter and other publications, legislative and organizational memoranda, press releases, clippings, video and press coverage.
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Office of Diversity and Inclusion Records, 1970-2017

16.30 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Records of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and its predecessors. Materials include administrative correspondence, committee and task force meeting materials, planning documentation, and assorted reports, all relating to issues of diversity, inclusion, equal employment, and discrimination.
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Alexander Semmler Papers, 1914-1977

10.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Alexander Semmler Papers contain music written by Alexander Semmler, both published and unpublished, as well as some of his notes and correspondence.
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Works for Piano and Organ, 1941, Undated, 1956 1.16 cubic ft.

Albany Central Federation of Labor Records, 1965-2000

3.8 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection documents the activities of the Albany Central Federation of Labor (AFL CIO) from 1983 to 2000.

Ernest I. Hatfield Papers, 1949-1968

3.78 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Ernest I. Hatfield Papers document Hatfield's service in the New York State Senate, where he served from 1948-1964, and the years immediately following. The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, speeches, and bills he introduced.

Guilderland Central Teachers' Association Records, 1968-1999

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
These records document the day-to-day activities of the Guilderland (N.Y.) Central Teachers' Association.
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Center for Women in Government & Civil Society Records, 1976-2003

23 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Center for Women in Government & Civil Society (CWGCS) was established in 1978 to elimination of sex discrimination in New York State government employment. The Center part of the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy and receives both public and private funding.
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Working Papers, 1979-1986

Libby Post Papers, 1978-2005

4.18 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Libby Post Papers contain political campaign documents, professional correspondences, news clippings, meeting minutes, agendas, document drafts, press releases, news letters, civil activism notes, and other materials that document her involvement securing various LGBT rights and with political organizations, as well as the general LGBT community in Albany, NY.
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The Legislative Correspondents' Association of the State of New York Records, 1892-2014

10.41 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials about The Legislative Correspondents' Association of the State of New York, especially its celebrated annual dinner held since 1900.

Albany Typographical Union No. 4, Communications Workers of America Records, 1850-1988

27 reels of microfilm
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the activities of the Albany Typographical Union, the first labor union founded in Albany, N.Y.

Bridge Line Historical Society Collection, 1870-2025

37.5 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consist of the Bridge Line Historical Society's newsletter, as well as original maps, drawings, and related material documenting the Delaware & Hudson Railway, a railroad that operated in the northeastern United States.

Joan Schultz Papers, ca. 1968-1980

1.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes materials related to the women's issues with a particular emphasis on the University at Albany, SUNY. Records of particular interest are those of the Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee, Capital District Women, and the Caucus on Women's Rights at SUNY.
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Fred Pfeiffer Papers, 1937-2007

4.9 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Fred Pfeiffer Papers document Pfeiffer's work with labor unions and activist organizations in the Albany, N.Y., area from the mid-1970s to 2007.

New York State Public Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, Environmental Conservation Division 169 (PEF/ENCON) Records, 1975-2000

23.17 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Public Employees Federation (PEF) was founded in 1979 to represent members of the Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PS&T) bargaining unit of New York State. PS&T employees had formerly been represented by CSEA, the state's largest public employee union. PEF founders believed that the concerns of the PS&T unit were not adequately represented by CSEA, the majority of whose members were non-professional state employees. PEF's stated mission is to "provide the leadership necessary for PEF members to achieve employment security, higher wages, better working conditions, and improved retirement benefits." Materials in this collection document PEF activities at both the state and division level. There is extensive coverage of executive board activities from 1978 through mid-2000, annual conventions, committee meetings, and contract negotiations. Also included are files for PEF Division 169, PEF's Environmental Conservation Division. These include correspondence, agendas and minutes for labor/management meetings, material on committees, and administrative files. This collection also documents the activities of reform groups and political parties within PEF (most notably, the Statewide Coalition for a Democratic Union) and PEF's relationships with its national affiliates, the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of Teachers. Particularly strong is the collection of bulletin board postings, which includes almost everything posted on Division 169 PEF bulletin boards from 1979 through 2000. There are also official PEF publications, including a near-complete run of PEF's official monthly newsletter to members, The Communicator.
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New York State Society for Clinical Social Work Records, 1965-2021, Undated

7.4 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Established in 1968 to assist clinical social workers in performing their duties, the New York State Society for Clinical Social Work (NYSSCSW) offers professional support to its members in the practice of clinical psychotherapy. The collection documents the founding, administration, and activities of the NYSSCSW and its various local chapters.

Bill and Andy Spence Papers, 1960-2022

22.19 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials related to the lives of Bill and Andy Spence, including folk and traditional music and materials documenting the Fox Hollow and Old Songs Festivals.
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Frank J. Becker Papers, 1953-1964, 1974

22.44 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Frank J. Becker Papers document Becker's service in the U.S Congress, as a representative of Nassau County (N.Y.), where he served from 1953-1964. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, and legislation from his tenure.

Murray Weiss Papers, 1951-1961

0.33 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Murray Weiss Papers contain photographs taken during Weiss' tenure as a counselor and swimming instructor at Camp Woodland.
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The Edward E. Potter Club and Alumni Association Records, 1911-2014

3.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Edward E. Potter Club And Alumni Association Records includes documents and objects related to the finances, activities, and history of the Club and subsequent Alumni Association. Materials related to the Edward E. Potter Club include financial settlements, photographs, correspondence, and meeting minutes. Materials related to the Alumni Association include Alumni addresses, memorabilia, and a newsletter. Objects in this collection include mugs, a blanket, stamp, letter opener, compact makeup, and ledger books.
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Kappa Delta Sorority Records, 1899-2001, Undated

7.1 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The Kappa Delta Sorority Records contain documents related to the formation, activities and alumnae of the Kappa Delta Sorority at the University at Albany.
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New York State Coalition for Criminal Justice Records, 1971-1986

19.25 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
Formed in reaction to the Rockefeller Administration's crack-down following the Attica Prison riot, the New York State Coalition For Criminal Justice's primary mission was to reform what it regarded as an excessively harsh criminal justice system in New York.
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Gloria DeSole Papers, 1969-1988

2.0 cubic ft.
Abstract Or Scope
The collection pertains to the Women's movement during the 1960s-1980s, with an emphasis on LGBTQ+ women. Other subjects of interest include the experiences of working and professional women, and women who either worked in, or attended institutions of higher education. Many items in the collection are focused on women in the Capital Region of New York State.
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