0001-01 Partnership Agreement for the Establishment of Army Reserve Officer's Training (ROTC) Instruction at the University at Albany EPC Approved 02-27-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-01R Resolution for Conslderation by the University Senate, Unieersity at Albany, On the Implementatlon of General Education Programs University Senate Executive Committee Approved 02-12-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-02 University at Albany Policy for the Responsible Use of Information Technology -- LISC Approved 02-27-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-03 Undergraduate Academic Council Proposal to Establish an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Major in International Studies Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-04 Undergraduate Academic Council The New General Education Program Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-05 Proposal to Change Graduate Academic Policies Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-06 Graduate Academic Council Proposal to Establish an Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-07 Undergraduate Academic Council and Graduate Academic Council Joint Bachelors/Masters Programs Linking the M.S. in Health Policy and Management with Undergraduate Programs in Psychology (B.A.), Sociology (S.A.), and Economics (B.A. and B.S.) Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-08 Undergraduate Academic Council Curricular Revision from the School of Education Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-09 Undergraduate Academic Council Proposed Faculty-Initiated lnterdisciplinary Minor in Bioethics Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0001-10 ULC Principles for a Just Community Changes Approved 06-08-01, 2000-2001 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102 -01 Graduate Academic Council Proposal to Change Graduate Academic Policy Pertaining to Leave of Absence from a Doctoral Program Approved 10-26-01, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-02 Undergraduate Academic Council Revision of the Undergraduate "New General Education Program" Implementation Dates for Transfers Approved 2-7 -02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-03 Undergraduate Academic Council Revision of the Undergraduate Residence Requirements Approval 2-7 -02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-04 Undergraduate Academic Council & Graduate Academic Council Proposal to Establish a Joint Degree Involving the BA in Public Policy and the Master's Degree in Public Administration (MPA), 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-05 Proposed Amendment A to Senate Bill No. 0001-02 (University at Albany Policy for the Responsible Use of Information Technology Approved 11-19-01, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-06 Graduate Academic Council MS in Literacy and Special Education Approval 2-20-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-07 Undergraduate Academic Council General Education Program Assessment Plan Approval 4-16-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-08 Undergraduate Academic Council Syllabus Requirements for Undergraduate Courses Approval 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-09 Undergraduate Academic Council Unresolved Grades at Graduation Approval 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-10 Undergraduate Academic Council Undergraduate Multiple Majors & Minors Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-11 Undergraduate Academic Council Forensic Chemistry Track in the Major Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-12 Undergraduate Academic Council Faculty-Initiated Interdiscipllnary Major in Environmental Science Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-13 Graduate Academic Council Joint Master of Arts in History (MA) and Master of Arts In Public Policy (MPP) Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-14 Conversion of Dual Degree Programs: BA or BS/MLS to BA or BS/MSLS, MA/MLS to MA/MSIS Historyor English Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-15 Combined BA/MA in Women's Studies Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-16 [record missing], 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0102-17 Proposed Amendment A (LISC) Approved 9-4-02, 2001-2002 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-01 Graduate Academic Council Graduate Certificate in Autism Approved 10-25-02, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-01R Resolution, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-02 Changes in the Actuarial Program (Undergraduate Academic Council) Approved 12-13-02, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-02R General Education Resolution, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-03 Proposal to Establish Graduate Degree Programs (Ph.D. & M.S.) in NanoSciences and NanoEngineering (Grauduate Academic Council) Approved 12-13-02, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-04 Recommendations and Policy Framework on Responding to Misconduct in Research and Scholarship (Epc, RES, CAFE) Approved 04-30-02, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-05 Modification of Starting Times for Courses Meeting in Standard Time Zones (EPC) Approved 5-15-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-06 Majors in East Asian Studies and Japanese Studies (UAC,EPC) Approved 5-15-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-07 BA in Political Science / MA in Public Affairs and Po1icy (Undergraduate Academic Council, Graduate Academic Council) Approved 5-14-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-08 Proposal to Establish a Master of Science Degree Program in Forensic Biology (GAC) Approved 5-15-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-09 Human Biology Major (Undergraduate Academic Council, EPC) Approved 5-14-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-10 Procedures for Resolving Academic Grievances (Undergraduate Academic Council, Graduate Academic Council) Approved 5-15-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-11 Revision to the "Last Day for Undergraduates to Drop a Course" (Undergraduate Academic Council) Approved 5-15-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-12 Changes in Policy on Faculty Eligibility to Teach Graduate Courses (Graduate Academic Council) Approved 5-15-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
0203-13 Suspension of Classes on Fountain Day (SAC, ULC) Approved 6-10-03, 2002-2003 Box 3, Folder 17 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives University Senate Records, 1915 - 2023…
02050 Business Development, 1997-1998 Box 3, Folder 10 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000
02070 Colliegiate Licensing, 1998 Box 3, Folder 11 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000
02080 Computer Store, 1994-1998 Box 3, Folder 12 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000
02090 Computers for Frosh, 1997 Box 3, Folder 14 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000
02110 SUNY Card, 1996 Box 3, Folder 15 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000
02140 Video Communications, 1996 Box 3, Folder 16 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000
02160 ResNet, 1996-1998 Box 3, Folder 13 Bookmark Collection Context University Archives Division of Finance and Business Records, 1972-2000