RedDot University at Albany State University of New York 2005-06 University Senate Monday, October 10, 2005 1. Approval of Minutes of September 12, 2005 2. President¿s Report 3. University Faculty Senate Report 4. Chair¿s Report 5. Council Reports a. CAA, Malcolm Sherman b. COR, Vince Idone c. CPCA, David Shub d. GAC, Monica Rodriguez e. GOV, Diane Dewar f. LISC, David Wagner g. UAC, Philippe Abraham h. ULC, Joan Savitt i. UPC, Carolyn MacDonald 6. Committee Reports a. CAFFECOR, Lawrence Snyder b. CERS, Richard Zitomer 7. New Business a. Nomination for CAA Membership ¿ Committee on Council Nominations b. Proposal for a Major in Journalism ¿ UAC, UPC c. Discussion of Religious Holidays and the Academic Calendar