RedDot University at Albany ¿ State University of New York 2005-2006 University Senate Minutes of September 12, 2005 Present: J. P Abraham, J. Bartow, J. Berkowitz, S. Birge, M. Blum, S. Chinnam, E. Cupoli, D. Dai, V. Delio, D. Dewar, P. Duchessi, S. Faerman, S. Friedman, R. Gibson, K. Hall, J. Hanifan, F. Hauser, S. Herbst, A. Hildreth, V. Idone, A. Israel, M. Jerison, L. Kranich, W. Lanford, L. McNutt, W. Locust, K. Lowery, A. Lyons, C. MacDonald, S. Mahan, S. Messner, J. Monfasani, G. Moore, M. Pryse, M. Range, M. Rodriguez, J. Savitt, L. Schell, M. Sherman, D. Shub, L. Snyder, B. Spanier, J. Stromer-Galley, B. Szelest, S. Tenenbaum, S. Turner, D. Wagner, J. Wessman, J. Wick-Pelletier, S. Wood, E. Wulfert, R. Zitomer, A. Zonder Guests: J. Anderson, P. Sibaya. and J. Wagner Minutes: The minutes of May 9, 2005 were approved with the proviso that the attendance list will be added if it can be located. President¿s Report ¿ Presented by President Kermit L. Hall Welcome: President Hall welcomed and introduced new administrators to the Senate: Susan Herbst - Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Deborah Read - Vice President for Development Wayne Locust -Vice Provost for Enrollment Management Charles Williams - Vice President for Governmental, Public & Media Relations James Anderson - Vice President for Student Success and Vice Provost for Institutional Assessment and Diversity - Today¿s Press Announcement UAlbany plans to become a benchmark institution for this new division. Enrollment: Larger student class: § 2% better on Group1 § 4% better on Group 2 § estimate undergraduates up 250 students § estimate graduates up 150 students § international students up ¿ 23 transfers § UAlbany in Tier 3 as reported in US News & World Report (away from Tier 2 by 10 spots). Fountain Day: the President complimented and thanked all those who helped make Fountain Day a success. Princeton Review: Reported that the characterization of UAlbany in the Princeton Review is more positive but there is room for improvement. Move-In Day: President again complimented and thanked all those involved who helped the day become a great success with the President receiving very favorable feedback. Other Areas Noted by President Hall: § Ask the President ¿ up and running § President for the Day ¿ Jason Zogg § Executive Committee Council will continue to dine in the Campus Center § Roving Ethicist ¿ Randy Cohen from NY Times § Bus Run ¿ needs improvement § $500k inaugural scholarship is half way completed § New College of Computing and Information created 2005 § ACE Fellows, Patrick Sibaya and Janet Wagner were introduced to the Senate § UAlbany¿s two new major library collections ¿ National Death Penalty Archive and Archive CESA § Dashboard Handout Referenced ¿ Total Externally Funded Research highlighted § Nano-Tech ¿ strong § Steering Committee ¿ East Campus § Budget deficit ¿ need to work out over the year § Compact Planning Process ¿ workshop held September 8, 2005 § Performance Evaluations for all executives have been completed ¿ 1st time in many years § Partnerships with Albany High School ¿ Business Roundtable § Midtown Home Ownership Program with $5K grants § President and Provost will visit all departments ¿ Fall faculty meeting October 6 § Constitution Day Event ¿ September 13 ¿ PAC Recital Hall Chair¿s Report - Presented by Steve Messner Jayne VanDenburgh: Jayne VanDenburgh¿s serious health condition was announced. Jayne will still be helping out on a limited basis. Dick Farrell and Vincent Delio were acknowledged for their assistance and support while the Senate office has been shorthanded. The Chair acknowledged that communication was not quite up to par and requested understanding and patience. A temporary replacement line should be filled shortly. Compact Planning: The Executive Committee has been involved in the early stages of Compact Planning over the summer and will continue to work with the President¿s management team to facilitate input from governance. Hurricane Katrina: The University¿s relief fund was acknowledged and senators were encouraged to raise constituents¿ awareness of these humanitarian efforts. COUNCIL REPORTS Committee on Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression, and Community Responsibility (CAFFECoR) ¿ Lawrence Snyder ¿ No report. Committee on Ethics in Research and Scholarship (CERS) ¿ Richard Zitomer ¿ No report. Council on Academic Assessment (CAA) ¿ Malcolm Sherman ¿Will meet soon and develop plans for minor, non-major course assessment. Council on Research (COR) ¿ Vincent Idone ¿ Meeting scheduled for October 19, 2005. Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments (CPCA) ¿ David Shub ¿ No report. Graduate Academic Council (GAC) ¿ Monica Rodriguez ¿ The council will meet soon to constitute committees. Governance Council (GOV) ¿ Diane Dewar ¿ The council will meet Friday and review the proposed CNSE By-laws and Charter. Council on Libraries, Information Systems and Computing (LISC) ¿ David Wagner ¿ No report. Undergraduate Academic Council (UAC) ¿ Philippe Abraham ¿ Two meetings held; sub-committees have been approved. University Life Council (ULC) ¿ Joan Savitt ¿ Meeting Monday regarding academic calendar. University Planning and Policy Council (UPC) ¿ Carolyn MacDonald ¿ Held one organizational meeting; meeting again soon regarding budget analysis, compact planning, academic calendar. NEW BUSINESS a. Approval of Changes in Council/Standing Committee Membership The slate of nominations for council/standing committee membership, which had been circulated to the Senate, was approved. b. Approval of Nominations of Council Chairs-Elect for Senate Terms Four councils put forth nominations for a 1-year term as senator for their chairs-elect as follows: M. Sherman, CAA; M. Rodriguez, GAC; D. Wagner, LISC; Joan Savitt, ULC. The Senate approved the nominations. The Executive Committee put forth the nomination of Richard Zitomer for a 1-year term as senator as chair-elect of CERS. The Senate approved the nomination. c. Compact Planning Overview ¿ Presented by Dr. Bruce Szelest, Assistant Vice President for Strategic Planning and Assessment Dr. Szelest gave an overview on Compact Planning, highlighting the following: § The compact is a bilateral, negotiated, written management agreement between an academic or administrative support unit and its supervisor. It identifies the highest priority activities of the unit, initiatives and actions to be taken over the next few years, an implementation schedule, outcomes, and an assessment plan to gauge effectiveness. § President Hall, Provost Herbst, and Bruce Szelsest have worked with the Senate Executive Committee over the past summer to facilitate governance input into the compact planning process. § Provost Herbst is leading this effort, will provide feedback to deans, and is operating with a very tight timeline. § Feedback from faculty, staff, chairs and others during and the after day-long Compact Planning introduction workshop will be utilized by Provost to fine-tune the process § The final University Compact Plans will allocate approximately 100 new faculty lines plus selective investments § Each unit will create a compact plan; department chairs leading from ground up, to school/college and vice presidential compacts § Deans will prioritize initiatives, Provost will provide feedback which will go back to deans and units; second draft will narrow down number of initiatives and will be shared with UPC and selective investment committee of distinguished and widely respected faculty, and consultation will be made with school, college and legal governance throughout the process § Chairs will carry on discussions with faculty regarding changes § Bold initiatives and program articulation are welcomed by the Provost § Open and transparent communication anticipated throughout process § Resources to support the development of compacts were referenced, including: handbook, website, draft goals and priorities, templates. See § Suggested that chairs schedule three 90 minute meetings for faculty to bring forth initiatives and discuss the departmental approach Provost Herbst and Dr. Szelest answered questions from the floor. In their responses, they noted that directors of centers would develop compact plans with the administrators to whom they report now. Approximately 20 of the 100 faculty lines would be allocated during the initial year of the compact plans. Drafts from departments will be due November 4. Other institutions that have implemented compact planning include University of Texas, North Carolina, University of Minnesota, and Utah State. Investments will be made in targeted areas given the strength of the proposals to enhance prospects for the capital campaign. Transparency will be maximized, respecting confidentiality where required. The administration recognizes that faculty composition changes due to retirements and relocations. Replacement funds will still be available within colleges at the discretion of deans. New funds are anticipated from increases in student enrollment and fund raising. The Chair thanked Dr. Szelest for his presentation and cooperation with the Senate regarding the compact planning process. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to extend the meeting for 5 minutes to discuss Jayne VanDenburgh¿s situation. Jayne¿s excellent work with the University Senate was acknowledged and a motion was approved to recognize Jayne¿s exemplary service by taking up a collection. Candace Merbler volunteered to be the focal point for donations. A motion was made and approved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia L. George, Recorder