{UTF-8} "# of Hierarchial Barriers"= "Normal # of Hierarchical Barriers"+STEP(Hierarchical Step Size,Hierarchical Step Time\ ) ~ levels ~ There are currently 4 levels of hierarchichal barriers regarding external \ information flow. This means that information must travel up the \ hierarchy before it can be sent back down the hierarchy, these 4 levels \ are the battalion, brigade, division, and corps headquarters. In reality, \ there is some lateral sharring of information, but this is not deemed as \ the normal means of reporting or sharring information and the level of \ cross level sharing varies between units. | Hierarchical Step Size= -3 ~ levels ~ Accounts for an increase in the number of hierarchical barriers | Hierarchical Step Time= 90 ~ Months ~ The time at which the increase in hierearchical barriers step size is \ added to the model | "Relative # of Hierarchical Barriers"= "# of Hierarchial Barriers"/"Normal # of Hierarchical Barriers" ~ Dmnl ~ calculates the relative number of hierarchical barriers by dividing the \ current number of barriers by the normal number. | "% Nodes Connected"= "Table Fn For % Nodes Connected"(("Effect of Rel Cap of Sig Equip on % Nodes Connected"\ +"Impact of Ave Distance Between Nodes on % Nodes Connected")/2) ~ nodes ~ The percentage of nodes (or TOCs) connected in the network | Access to Information= "Effect of Relative # of Hierarchical Barriers on Access to Information" ~ Dmnl ~ Calculates the ability of a unit to access information given a number of \ hierarchical barriers in existence | "Normal % Nodes Connected"= 0.25 ~ Dmnl ~ Normally, 25% of all nodes in theater are fully connected and able to \ transfer information at any given time. | Normal Distance Between Nodes= 28 ~ Kilometers ~ Since simultaneous full spectrum operations normally requires 4 functions, \ the average distance between TOCs (nodes) is 28 kilometers. | External Information Flow= Base External Information Flow*"Effect of Relative % Nodes Connected on External Info Flow"\ *Effect of Relative Access to Information on External Information Flow*Effect of Relative Digital Sys Cap on Ext Info Flow ~ Dmnl ~ The measure of quality of external information flow is operationalized as \ the product of the base iexternal nformation flow and the effect that the \ % of connectednodes, the effect of access to information and the effect of \ digital systems capability on external information flow. | "Effect of Relative # of Hierarchical Barriers on Access to Information"= "Table Fn for Effect of Rel # of Hier Barriers on Access to Info"("Relative # of Hierarchical Barriers"\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a value for the effect of relative number of hierarchical \ barriers on the access to infromation | "Impact of Ave Distance Between Nodes on % Nodes Connected"= Table Function for Impact of Average Distance Between Nodes(Relative Distance Between Nodes\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative and proportional value for the impact of average \ distance between nodes on the percentage of nodes connected | "Table Fn for Effect of Relative % Nodes Connected on External Info Flow"( [(0,0)-(2,1.5)],(0,0.5),(0.5,0.7),(1,1),(1.5,1.3),(2,1.5)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the effect of relative percentage of \ nodes connected on external information flow. | "Table Fn for Effect of Rel # of Hier Barriers on Access to Info"( [(0,0)-(2,81)],(0.25,81),(0.5,27),(0.75,9),(1,3),(1.25,1),(1.5,0.33),(1.75,0.11),(2,\ 0.04)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup up table for calculating the effect of the level of \ hierarchical barriers on access to information. Naturally, as the the \ level of hierarchical barriers goes up, the access to information goes \ down. | Relative Distance Between Nodes= Average Distance Between Nodes/Normal Distance Between Nodes ~ Kilometers ~ Provides a value for the realtive distance between nodes | "Effect of Relative % Nodes Connected on External Info Flow"= "Table Fn for Effect of Relative % Nodes Connected on External Info Flow"("Relative % Nodes Connected"\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative and proportional value for the effect of the \ percentage of nodes connected on external information flow | "Normal # of Hierarchical Barriers"= 4 ~ levels ~ The normal # of hierarchical barriers to achieving lateral information \ sharing between "edge organizations" is the battalion, brigade, division, \ and corps headquarters. | "Table Fn For % Nodes Connected"( [(0,0)-(5,1)],(0,0.15),(1,0.25),(2,0.5),(3,0.75),(4,0.9),(5,1)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the percentage of nodes conncted as \ derived from the distance between TOCs and the capability of signal \ equipment. | "Relative % Nodes Connected"= "% Nodes Connected"/"Normal % Nodes Connected" ~ Dmnl ~ The relative percentage of nodes connected | Table Fn for Effect of Rel Acc to Info on Ext Info Flow( [(0,0)-(27,10)],(0.01,0.5),(0.5,0.8),(1,1),(3,1.5),(10,2),(20,4),(27,9)) ~ ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the impact of access to information \ on external information flow. The better access to information is, then \ the better external information flow is. | Normal Access to Information= 3 ~ Dmnl ~ The normal ability to access information | Effect of Relative Access to Information on External Information Flow= Table Fn for Effect of Rel Acc to Info on Ext Info Flow(Relative Access to Information\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative and proportional value for the effect of a unit's \ ability to access information on overall external information flow | Relative Access to Information= Access to Information/Normal Access to Information ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative value for access to information by dividing the \ current status of access to information by the normal access to information | Effect of Relative Digital Sys Cap on Ext Info Flow= Table Fn for Dig Sys Cap on Info Flow(Relative Capability of Digital Systems) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative and proportional value for determining the effect of \ relative digital systems capability on external infomration flow | Relative Capability of Digital Systems= Capability of Digital Systems/Normal Capability of Digital Systems ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a value for the relative capability of digital systems | Normal Capability of Digital Systems= 0.5 ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a value for the normal capability of digital sytems | Internal Information Flow= Base Internal Information Flow*Effect of Hierarchy on Internal Info Flow*Effect of Relative Manning per System on Effect of Digital Systems on Info Flow\ *Effect of Relative Number of Digital Systems On Internal Information Flow*Effect of Shift Length on Info Flow\ *Effect of TOC Size on Information Flow ~ Dmnl ~ The measure of quality of information flow is operationalized as the \ product of the base internal information flow and the degrading or \ imrproving effect that multiple levels of hierarchy, Soldier errors, TOC \ Size and other factors have have. | Effect of Relative Number of Digital Systems On Internal Information Flow= Table Fn for Effect of Digital Systems on Info Flow(Relative Number of Digital Systems\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup for determing the effect of digital systems on \ information flow | Desired Replacements= Normal Replacements+TOC Manning Gap ~ Soldier ~ This variable takes into account the total number of desired replacements \ as determined by reassignment and battlefield losses and changes in the \ TOC Manning Gap. | Time to Gain Experience= 6/Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr ~ Month ~ It normally takes 6 months enough people to become trained on a system and \ to understand how to best integrate it into the TOC so that it becomes a \ mature system. | Normal Capability of Signal Equipment= 0.5 ~ Dmnl ~ Since half of the signal systems start out as new signal equipment and \ half as experienced, the normal capability of signal equipment is equal to \ .5. | "Effect of Rel Cap of Sig Equip on % Nodes Connected"= Table Fn for Effect of Rel Cap of Sig Equip on Ability to Connect Nodes(Relative Capability of Signal Equipment\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative and proportional value for the effect of relative \ capability of signal equipment on the percentage of nodes connected. | Relative Capability of Signal Equipment= Capability of Signal Equipment/Normal Capability of Signal Equipment ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative value for the capability of signal equipment | Desired Sig Equipment Replacement= Normal Sig Equip Replacement*Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Desired Sig Equip Replacement ~ ~ | Normal Sig Equip Replacement Time= 12 ~ Months ~ It normally takes 12 months to replace signal equipment | Sig Equip Obsolescence Rate= Expr Sig Equip/Ave Signal Sys Life ~ sig systems/Month ~ The rate at which signal equipment becomes obsolete and must be repaced | Ave Signal Sys Life= 72 ~ Months ~ The average signal system lasts 6 years before it needs to be replaced or \ becomes obsolete | Normal Sig Equip Replacement= Sig Equip Obsolescence Rate*Normal Sig Equip Replacement Time ~ Months ~ The normal amount of signal equipment relaced for the TOC based on the \ signal equipment obsolence rate and the normal signal equipment \ replacement time | New Sig Equip Acq Rate= Desired Sig Equipment Replacement/Normal Sig Equip Replacement Time ~ sig systems/ Month ~ The rate at which new signal equipment is acquired for the battalion TOC | NET Information Flow= External Information Flow+Internal Information Flow ~ Dmnl ~ The total NET information flow. A value of 10 is normal, and therefore \ anything above this denotes a positive improvement in overal information \ flow capabiltiy, and a value of anything less than 10 denotes a decrease \ in overall information flow. | Table Fn for Dig Sys Cap on Info Flow( [(0,0.5)-(2,1.5)],(0,0.5),(0.5,0.85),(1,1),(1.5,1.05),(2,1.1)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for determining the effect of relative digital \ sytems capability on the external information flow | Digital Systems Acquisition Rate= (Digital Systems on Order/Time to Acquire New Systems)*Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems ~ Systems/Month ~ The average number of new digital systems added to the TOC each month, \ assuming the Army will buy one fifth of those availalbe New Digital \ Systems on Market/Time to Acquire New Systems | Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr= Table Fn for Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr(Relative External Information Flow\ ) ~ lessons ~ Provides a value for the effect of relative external information flow on \ the time to gain experience. This idea states that the more effective \ external information flow is, the faster digital systems will gain \ experience. | Table Fn for Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,0),(0.5,0.8),(1,1),(1.5,1.2),(2,2)) ~ ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the effect of relative external \ information flow on the time to gain experience | Capability of Digital Systems= Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC/Total Dig Sys Inside TOC ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a measure for determing the capability of digital systems inside \ the TOC by dividing the nubmer of expereinced digital systems by the total \ number of digital systems | Total Sig Equip= Expr Sig Equip+New Sig Equip ~ Sig Equip ~ The total number of signal systems allocated to the BN TOC | Capability of Signal Equipment= Expr Sig Equip/Total Sig Equip ~ Signal Equipment ~ The capability of signal equipment is defined as the ratio of the number \ of experienced signal equipment over the total number of signal systems. | Digital System Obsolescence= Digital Systems On Market/Avg Digital System Life ~ Systems/Month ~ The rate at which new digital systems on the market become obsolete. | Digital Systems On Market= INTEG ( +New Digital Systems Creation-Digital System Obsolescence, 16) ~ Digitial Systems ~ The number of new digital sytems on the market | New Sig Equip= INTEG ( +New Sig Equip Acq Rate-Sig Euip Maturation Rate, 5) ~ Sig Equip ~ The amount of new signal equipment assigned to the Battalion TOC | Normal Sig Equip Matur Rate= 12 ~ Month ~ It normally takes 12 months for personnel to become fully trained on new \ signal equipment and for it to be fullly integrated into the existing \ system | Sig Euip Maturation Rate= (New Sig Equip/(Normal Sig Equip Matur Rate))*Effect of Ext Info Flow on Sig Equip Maturation Rate ~ sig systems/Month ~ The rate at which new signal equipment becomes experienced signal equipment | Available Digital Systems= MAX(0,Digital Systems On Market-Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC-Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC ) ~ Systems ~ The number of digital systems on the market minus the number of digital \ systems already inside the TOC. | Table Fn for Effect of Rel Cap of Sig Equip on Ability to Connect Nodes( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,0),(0.5,0.25),(1,1),(1.5,1.1),(2,1.25)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the effect of relative capability of \ signal equipment on the percentage of nodes connected | Average Distance Between Nodes= Table Function for Ave Dist Between Nodes(Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations) ~ Kilometers ~ Provides a value for the average distance between nodes as derived from \ the lookup table and simultaneous full spectrum operations. | Relative Systems in TOC= (Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC+Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC\ )/Digital Systems On Market ~ Dmnl ~ Caluculates the number of systems inside the battalion TOC relative to the \ total number of systems available on the market. | Total Dig Sys Inside TOC= Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC+Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC ~ Digitial Systems ~ Provides a value for the total number of digital sytems inside the TOC | Base External Information Flow= 5 ~ Dmnl ~ A qualitative measure for the starting value, equal to the normal value, \ of the quality of external information flow. Any values greater than this \ for external informaiton flow signifies an improvement in overall external \ information flow. Any values below this signify a decrease in the quality \ of external information flow. | Effect of Ext Info Flow on Sig Equip Maturation Rate= Tabel Fn for Effct of Ext Info Flow on Matur Rate(Relative External Information Flow\ ) ~ lessons/Month ~ Provdes a realtive and proportional value for measuring the effect of \ relative external information flow on the signal equipment maturation \ rate, or the time it takes new signal equipment to become fully integrated \ and maximized within the signal system and therefore become "experienced." | Expr Sig Equip= INTEG ( Sig Euip Maturation Rate-Sig Equip Obsolescence Rate, 5) ~ Sig Equip ~ The nubmer of signal systems allocated to the battalion TOC | Tabel Fn for Effct of Ext Info Flow on Matur Rate( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,0),(0.5,0.8),(1,1),(1.5,1.2),(2,2)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the effect of external information \ flow on the signal equipment maturation rate. | Table Function for Ave Dist Between Nodes( [(0,0)-(20,60)],(0,8),(2,18),(4,28),(7,40),(10,45),(15,50)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for determing the avergage distance between nodes \ based onthe increased complexity of simultaneous full specturm operations \ (SFSO). As SFSO increases, the average distance between nodes increases. | Table Function for Impact of Average Distance Between Nodes( [(0,0)-(6,3)],(0.01,3),(0.25,1.5),(0.5,1.2),(1,1),(2,0.7),(3,0.15),(4,0.1),(5,0.05)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a table lookup for determing the impact of the relative distance \ between nodes on the percentage of nodes connected in the network | Normal External Information Flow= 5 ~ Dmnl ~ The normal quality of external information flow | Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Desired Sig Equip Replacement= Tble Fun for Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Desired Sig Equip Replacement(Relative External Information Flow\ ) ~ sig systems/Month ~ Provides a relative and proportional value for determing the effect of \ relative external information flow on desired signal equipment replacement | Table Fn for Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,2),(0.5,1.15),(1,1),(1.5,0.8),(2,0.5)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a table lookup for determing the perceived need to improve \ digital systems | Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems= Table Fn for Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems(Relative External Information Flow\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a value for the perceived need to improve digital systems and is \ based on the current quality of external information flow | Tble Fun for Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Desired Sig Equip Replacement( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,2),(0.5,1.3),(1,1),(1.5,0.8),(2,0)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a table lookup for determing teh effect of relative external \ information flow on desired signal equipment replacement | Relative External Information Flow= External Information Flow/Normal External Information Flow ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a relative value for measuring the quality of external \ information flow. | Desired Number of New Systems= Desired Number of Systems-Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC-Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC ~ Systems ~ The desired number of new digital systems as derived by subtracting the \ total number of systems currently inside the TOC from the total number of \ desired systems. | Manning per System= Actual TOC Manning/(Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC+Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC\ ) ~ Soldiers/System ~ The number of Soldiers available in the TOC to work on each system | Replace Old Digital Systems= Obsolescence*Time to Acquire New Systems ~ Systems ~ The total number of digital systems that need to be replaced in the TOC | Relative Number of Digital Systems= (Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC+Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC\ )/Digital Systems Required for Opns ~ Dmnl ~ Accounts for system sufficiency, whether or not there are enough digital \ systems in the TOC to account for increased functions needed due to \ simultaneous full spectrum operations. | Obsolescence= Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC/Avg Digital System Life ~ Systems/Month ~ The rate at which systems become obsolete | Desired Number of Systems= (Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC+Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC\ )*Effect of Info Flow on Desired Systems*Effect of System Market on Desired Systems ~ Systems ~ Calculates the desired number of digital systems based on the current \ status of information flow, the number of systems available on the market, \ and a consideration of the number of new and experienced systems already \ inside the TOC. | Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC= INTEG ( +Experience Rate-Obsolescence, Initial Systems/2) ~ ~ The nubmer of experienced or fully integrated and trained systems inside \ the TOC. For the purpose of this model, it is assumed that half of the \ total systems inside the TOC begin as expereinced systems. | Experience Rate= Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC/Time to Gain Experience ~ Systems/Month ~ The number of systems that a Battalion TOC eliminates from the TOC each \ month | NDSD Size= 1 ~ Systems/Month ~ An input for an increase step function for the number of new digital \ systems developed. | NDSD Start Time= 60 ~ Month ~ The model's start time for adding new digital systems development. | Actual TOC Manning= INTEG ( Rate of Soldier Assignment to TOC-Battlefield Casualties-Reassignment Rate, 30) ~ Soldiers ~ The initial value of 30 accounts for the "normal TOC Manning" then takes \ into account the inflow of Soldiers minus the two outflows of \ "reassignment" and "battlefield casualties." | Additional TOC Manning for Digital Systems= MAX(Addl Digital Systems*Addl TOC Manning per Digital System, 0) ~ Soldiers ~ Takes into account the number of digital systems inside the TOC and the \ number of Soldiers needed to operate each system, producing the TOTAL \ number of Soldiers needed to operate all of the digital systems. | Addl Digital Systems= Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC-Normal Digital Systems ~ Systems ~ The number of new digital sytems added to the TOC to account for an \ increased need in systems. | Addl SFSOperations= Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations-SFSO Normal ~ Operations ~ This variable accounts for the number of "new" operations needed above the \ normal ammount to support full specturm operations. | Addl TOC Manning per Digital System= 2 ~ Soldiers/System ~ In almost every case, one additional Soldier is need to operate each new \ system, assuming 3 shifts in an ideal world each day, this means 3 \ additional Soldeirs/ new system. | Addl TOC Manning per Operation= 3 ~ Soldiers/Operation ~ This variable accounts for the average of 3 soldiers per additional staff \ function in the TOC. i.e. the Civil Affairs Cell usually has 3 Soldiers \ working 8 hour shifts in the TOC, which is the norm for most functional \ groups. | Addtional TOC Manning for Operations= Addl SFSOperations*Addl TOC Manning per Operation ~ Soldiers ~ This variable accounts for the total number of "extra" personal assigned \ to the TOC as a result of the need to conduct simultaneous full spectrum \ operations. | Average Length of Shifts= Expected Daily TOC Manning Requirements/Actual TOC Manning ~ Hours/Soldier ~ The average shift length is the total number of Soldier-Hours required to \ accomplish all required TOC funcitons over the legth of a day divided by \ the total nubmer of Soldiers assigned to the TOC (Actual TOC Manning). | Avg Digital System Life= 72 ~ Month ~ The Army currently considers 72 months as average product life time for \ most digital systems, especially ones that are based on a lap top \ computer, thus the Army replaces MOST of its digital systems/ computer \ hardware every 72 months, so this value will be used as the constant \ variable for average digital system life | AVG Replacement Time= 1 ~ Month ~ One month is assumed as the normal time it takes from when a manning \ requirement is identified until the time it is filled | Avg TOC Assignment Length= 12 ~ Month ~ Although it is not Army doctrine, almost all commanders and command \ sergeant majors consider 12 months to be the right amount of time to keep \ a Soldier in the TOC, any less and he/she never really becomes proficient, \ and anymore and they can really start to get unmotivated. NOTE: \ Assignment to the TOC for most Military Occupational Specialties is a \ "special duty" that a Soldier might perform for a period of time outside \ from their "normal" specialty. This is often not the case for intel \ analysts, but for infantrymen, artillerymen, tankers, air defenders and \ most others it is certainly the case. | Normal Levels of Hierarchy= 4 ~ Dmnl ~ A TOC with 30 personnel has 4 levels of hierarchy (operator, battle NCO, \ battle CPT and operations officer or executive officder), this level of \ hierarchy is considered normal for this model. | Normal Replacements= (Reassignment Rate+Battlefield Casualties)*AVG Replacement Time ~ Soldiers ~ Takes into account the normal number of replacements needed for the TOC to \ cover reassignment and battlefield casualties losses | Normal TOC Manning= 30 ~ Soldiers ~ This constant variable accounts for the "normal" number of Soliders \ assigned to the BN TOC according to Army doctrine. This will be assumed \ as the average, some commanders choose to add more, some less. The 3 \ baseline TOC functions are Operations, Intelligence, and Fires. Usually \ OPS and Fires have 3 Soldiers per shift, and Intelligence at least 4 \ (often more) but we will assume 4 as the baseline for this model. | Base Internal Information Flow= 5 ~ Dmnl ~ For the purpose of this model, a value of 10 implies perfect information \ flow. Information flow is currently measured on a scale of 0-10, with 0 \ being the absolute worst and 10 the absolute best. | "Battle Field Environment (Non-Contiguous)"= BFE Normal+STEP(1,Operations Add Time)*BFE Add ~ Operations ~ This constant variable takes into account the increased number of staff \ functions that are needed inside the TOC when operating on a \ non-contiguous battlefield. Normally these additional functions are an \ aviation liason section, Air Force close air support controller, a robust \ signal/communications section, and an engineer section. | Battlefield Casualties= Actual TOC Manning*Fractional Casualty Rate ~ Soldiers/Month ~ Accounts for the outflow of Soldiers due to battlefield casualties each \ month, which is the product of "actual TOC manning" and the "fractional \ casualty rate." | BFE Add= 3 ~ Operations ~ The additional number of battle field environment funcitons needed as \ operations become more complex. | BFE Normal= 2 ~ Operations ~ Two battlefield environment functions is considered normal for operations. | Table Fn for Levels of Hierarchy( [(0,0)-(150,8)],(0,1),(5,1),(5,2),(10,2),(10,3),(20,3),(20,4),(35,4),(35,5),(50,5),(\ 50,6),(100,6),(100,7),(150,7)) ~ Dmnl ~ Simply provides lookup values correlating the number of Soldiers who are \ working in the TOC to the number of layers of hierarchy in the TOC. \ Obviously, the more Soldiers you add then the more leaders or "people in \ charge" that are added, thus there are more people that information must \ go through to get to the decision maker, and the more people competing for \ his/her finite amount of time. I believe this follows a step ladder \ pattern, which the lookup accounts for. 4 layers is considered normal and \ thus correleates to the "normal" TOC manning of 30 Soldiers. \ (Hierarchy/Soldier)\!\!\! | Operations Add Time= 30 ~ Month ~ The model's add time for stepping up the number of functions needed. | COE Add= 3 ~ Operations ~ Additional functions needed in the TOC as a result of a more complex \ operating environment. | COE Normal= 2 ~ Operations ~ The normal number of contemporary operating enviornment funcitons needed \ to support operations. | "Contemporary Operating Environment (Threat Asymmetry)"= COE Normal+STEP( 1, Operations Add Time)*COE Add ~ Operations ~ This constant variable takes into account the average number of additional \ staff functions that are needed inside the TOC while conducting operations \ against an assymetric enemy. Normally these include information \ operations, civil affairs, psychological operations, civil police liason \ cell, host nation national guard/army coordination cell, and a contracting \ cell (project team). | Daily TOC Manning Requirement per Soldier= 12 ~ Hours/Soldier ~ The average Soldier is expect to work 12 hours in the TOC. | Desired Manning per System= 2 ~ Soldiers/System ~ The desired manning per system is 2 persons, since average shift length is \ 12 hours. This allows each system to be fully manned by 1 Soldier 24 \ hours per day. | Desired TOC Manning= (Normal TOC Manning+Additional TOC Manning for Digital Systems+Addtional TOC Manning for Operations\ )*Effect of Info Flow on Man Reqmt ~ Soldiers ~ This variable accounts for the Total Desired TOC manning based on need for \ normal operations, additional digital systems being fielded/added to TOC, \ and the impact of Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations. | Relative Levels of Hierarchy= Levels of Hierarchy/Normal Levels of Hierarchy ~ Dmnl ~ Computes the relative levels of hierarchy so that the effect of hierarchy \ on internal information flow can be calculated. | Relative Shift Length= Average Length of Shifts/Normal Length of Shift ~ Dmnl ~ This variable puts average shift length into relative terms so that its \ effect on information flow can be quantified accurately. | Digital Systems on Order= MAX(0,Min(Available Digital Systems,Replace Old Digital Systems+Desired Number of New Systems\ )) ~ Systems ~ The total number of digital systems on order | Digital Systems Required for Opns= Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations*(Initial Systems/SFSO Normal) ~ Systems ~ Takes into account the total number of digital systems required for \ operations | Effect of Hierarchy on Internal Info Flow= Table Fn for Effect of Hierarchy on Info Flow(Relative Levels of Hierarchy) ~ Dmnl ~ Accounts for the impact of hierarchy on TOC information flow | Effect of Info Flow on Desired Systems= Table Fn for Effect of Info Flow on Desired Systems(Relative Internal Information Flow\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides the value of the effect of internal information flow on the \ desired number of digital systems | Effect of Info Flow on Man Reqmt= Table Fn for Info Flow Effect on Manning Requirement(Relative Internal Information Flow\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a ratio for how much TOC manning should change based on status of \ information flow. | Table Fn for Effect of Actual TOC Manning on TOC Size( [(0,0)-(200,20)],(0,1),(8,1),(9,2),(16,2),(17,3),(24,3),(25,4),(32,4),(33,5),(40,5),\ (41,6),(48,6),(49,7),(56,7),(57,8),(64,8),(65,9),(72,9),(73,10),(80,10),(81,11),(88\ ,11),(89,12),(96,12),(97,13),(104,13),(105,14),(112,14)) ~ Tents ~ The average TOC tent holds eight Soldiers (this was true with the old \ SICCUPS, but with new BASEX and other models the actual number varies. \ This is a step function that accounts for the fact that you can not have a \ fraction of a tent, so if you have 1 Soldier or 8 Soldiers, you still need \ one tent. Consequently, if you have 81 or 88 Soldiers you still need 11 \ tents, but if you have 80 Soldiers you only need 10 tents and for 89 \ Soldiers you need 12 tents\!\!\! | Effect of Relative Manning per System on Effect of Digital Systems on Info Flow= Table Fn for Effect of Relative Manning on Digital System Eff on Info Flow(Relative Manning per System\ ) ~ Dmnl ~ This variable provides the relative and proportional impact that manning \ per system has on internal information flow. | Effect of Shift Length on Info Flow= Table Fn for Shift Length Effect on Info Flow(Relative Shift Length) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides the effect of Soldier errors on TOC information flow. It is set \ up so that the effect on information flow is inversely proportional to the \ number of Sodlier errors. For example, when the average number of Soldier \ errors/hour reaches 10 (for 24 hour shifts) the proportional and relative \ effect it has on informaiton flow produces a value of 0, which will \ nullify the information flow in the TOC as it relates to Soldier errors. \ On the contrary, a value of 0 errors/hour (impossible in this model) would \ theoretically give a value of 1 for "Effect of Sodleirs Errors on Info \ Flow" which would produce perfect information flow as it relates to \ Soldier Errors (Other factors such as bureaucracy and TOC size could still \ mitigate the overall information flow). | Table Fn for Effect of Info Flow on Desired Systems( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,2),(0.25,1.9),(0.5,1.75),(0.75,1.5),(1,1),(1.12538,0.75),(1.5,0.55)\ ,(2,0.5)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for calculating the effect of relative internal \ informaiton flow on deisred number of systems. | Effect of System Market on Desired Systems= Table Fn for Effect of Sys Mkt on Desired Systems(Relative Systems in TOC) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a value for the effect of the digital systems market on the \ desired number of systems for the TOC. | Effect of TOC Size on Information Flow= Table Fn for Effect of TOC Size on Information Flow(Relative TOC Size) ~ Dmnl ~ This variable provides the relative and proportional impact that TOC size \ has on Information flow, derived from the Tabel Function "Effect of TOC \ Size on Information Flow) | Expected Daily TOC Manning Requirements= Perceived TOC Manning Requirements*Daily TOC Manning Requirement per Soldier ~ Hours ~ This is the total daily expected number of Soldier Hours required in the \ TOC. First, the assumptions for this model state that an average of 3 \ Soldiers are needed at any time for Operations, 3 for Fires, and 4 for \ Intelligence. In addition, this model assumes you need at least 1 person \ on shift at any time for each of the additional functions (6 and 4 \ respectively) required under "Contemporary Operating Environment" and \ "Battlefield Environment." Therefore, you need (3+3+4+10) = 20 pesonnel \ working in the TOC at any given time, multiplied by 24 hours in a day \ gives 480 Soldier-Hours each day. | Table Fn for Effect of TOC Size on Information Flow( [(0,0)-(5,2)],(0,1.25),(0.25,1.25),(0.5,1.2),(0.75,1.1),(1,1),(1.51376,0.77193),(2.44648\ ,0.535088),(4,0.5),(5,0.5)) ~ Dmnl ~ The effect on information flow is inversely proportional to the TOC's size \ (i.e. number of tents). So if everyone is working in one tent (1-8 \ Soldiers) then the effect on informaiton flow is 1 since it is a small \ group of people, everyone is in one tent, and it is easy to pass \ information to each other. For this model, once the BN TOC reaches a \ value of 21 tents (normally a BN TOC never has more than 10 as an abolute \ max) then the effect on information flow is zero.\!\!\! | Fractional Casualty Rate= 0.01 ~ 1/Month ~ A low rate is assumed and this is difficult to measure. In Iraq or \ Afghanistan, a small TOC casualty rate is largely uncommon, rather a TOC \ will often have a very HIGH casualty rate (in unusual circumstances where \ it is unfortunate to be hit directly by a rocket or suicide bomber, thus \ suffering devestating casualties), or a very low to almost non existent \ casualty rate. For the purpose of this model I will assume a very low \ casualty rate of 1 percent each month | Relative TOC Size= Physical Size of TOCs/Normal TOC Size ~ Dmnl ~ | Table Fn for Effect of Hierarchy on Info Flow( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0.25,1.25),(0.5,1.1),(0.75,1.05),(1,1),(1.25,0.85),(1.5,0.7),(1.75,0.4\ )) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides value for effect of hierarchy on information flow, allowing for \ up to 7 layers of hierarchy within the TOC. 4 layers is assumed as normal. | Initial Systems= 12 ~ Systems ~ The number of digital systems required to support normal TOC operaitons | Levels of Hierarchy= Table Fn for Levels of Hierarchy(Actual TOC Manning) ~ Dmnl ~ Levels of hierarchy or bureaucracy in the TOC. | TOC Manning Gap= Desired TOC Manning-Actual TOC Manning ~ Soldiers ~ This variable accounts for the difference between the desired TOC manning \ adjusted for information flow and the actual or current TOC manning level. | Reassignment Rate= Actual TOC Manning/Avg TOC Assignment Length ~ Soldiers/Month ~ This is the rate at which Sodliers are reassigned from the TOC to new jobs \ (primary outflow), this is simply the number of Soldiers assigned to the \ TOC divided by the average TOC Assignment length. | Relative Internal Information Flow= Internal Information Flow/Normal Internal Information Flow ~ Dmnl ~ The current value of information flow divided by the "normal" or expected \ information flow. | Normal Digital Systems= 12 ~ Systems ~ The normal number of digital sytems that are required for normal operations | New Digital Systems Creation= Digital System Obsolescence+New Digital Systems Development ~ Systems/Month ~ The rate at which new digital systems are designed and produced. | New Digital Systems Development= STEP(NDSD Size,NDSD Start Time) ~ Systems/Month ~ The number of new digial system ideas that are developed | Table Fn for Effect of Digital Systems on Info Flow( [(0,0)-(2,1.25)],(0,0.6),(1,1),(2,1.2)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup value for determing the effect of relative number of \ digital systems on internal information flow | Table Fn for Info Flow Effect on Manning Requirement( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,1.5),(0.6,1.1),(1,1),(1.4,0.9),(2,0.5)) ~ Dmnl ~ Accounts for S shaped impact of relative Information Flow on Manning \ Requirements. Assumes 1/2 is the most you will ever want to adjust TOC \ manning by. So if information flow is a perfect 10, then relative \ information flow is 4, and the lookup table will give you a value of .67 \ for effect on info flow on manning requirements. Conversly, poor info \ flow, say zero, gives you a lookup value of 1.33, or the max you would \ ever want to adjust TOC manning by. The expected value for relative \ information flow of 1 (2.5/2.5) gives you a lookup value of 1, so this \ value will have no affect on TOC manning.\!\!\! | Normal Internal Information Flow= 5 ~ Dmnl ~ Normal Information flow is the information flow (measured 0-10) expected \ under normal conditions. As a "normal" TOC has 4 levels of hierarchy (4 \ people the information must go through to get to the decision maker (radio \ operator==> battle NCO ==>battle Captain==> Commander)), the normal \ information flow has a constant value of 10/4 or 2.5 | Normal TOC Size= 4 ~ Tents ~ The normal TOC size for this study is assumed to be 4 tents. In reality, \ different units use different types and size of tents so this variable may \ differ from place to place. | Perceived TOC Manning Requirements= Normal TOC Manning+Addtional TOC Manning for Operations+Additional TOC Manning for Digital Systems ~ Soldiers ~ The total perceived TOC Manning requirements as a result of normal TOC \ manning and changes in requirements due to additional digital systems that \ need manning and additonal manning needed for increased operations \ requiring more functions. | Time to Acquire New Systems= 6 ~ Month ~ On averge, it take the Army 6 months to acquire a new digital system | Normal Length of Shift= 12 ~ Hours/Soldier ~ The normal TOC shift length is assumed to be 12 hours. In practice this \ is uaually the case, but often this varaiable can be as low as 8 hours or \ as high as 20 hours. | Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC= INTEG ( Digital Systems Acquisition Rate-Experience Rate, Initial Systems/2) ~ Systems ~ The number of digital systems normally inside the TOC (absolute minimum \ required to function), specifically at time Zero for this model. The \ seven systems needed for normal baseline TOC operations are, FBCB2, \ BLUEFOR Tracker, ASAS-L, RWS, AFATADS, AMDWWS & CPOF. In addition to \ these systems, the following laptops are needed, Intel x 2, OPS x 2, fires \ x 1 = 5 laptops. This is what you would find in a "normal" battalion \ today as a baseline minimum, many TOCs actually have more as they can be \ reconfigured by the Battalion Operations Officer and Commander to suit \ their needs. | Table Fn for Shift Length Effect on Info Flow( [(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,1.25),(0.25,1.25),(0.5,1.2),(0.75,1.1),(1,1),(1.25,0.75),(1.5,0.55)\ ,(1.9,0.5),(2,0.5)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides value for effect of shift length on Soldier Error rate. This is \ an exponential error rate. Initially, there is an error rate in the first \ two hours when a Soldier comes on shift as they try to familiarize \ themselves with what happenned while they were off shift, but then their \ performance levels out. After about 8 hours they start to get tired, and \ after the 12th hour things start to get tough (remember, this means they \ are working 12 hours EVERY DAY, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in the \ same cramped quarters, with the same people, doing the same repetitive \ actions---this is a lot tougher than it sounds). Therefore, if Soldeirs \ are working up in the range of 18-24 hours each day, their bodies will \ start to shut down and the number of errors they make each hour will \ become astronomical. Assumes 3 errors first hour, 1 error hours 2-8, 3 \ errors hour 9 & 10, 6 errors hours 11 & 12, 8 errors hours 13 & 14, 10 \ erors hours 15 & 16, 13 errors hours 17 & 18, 20 errors hours 19 & 20, 25 \ errors hours 21 & 22, 30 errors hours 23 & 24.\!\!\! | Table Fn for Effect of Sys Mkt on Desired Systems( [(0,0)-(1,2)],(0,2),(0.75,1),(1,0)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a look-up table for determing the number of systems needed for \ the TOC based on the relative number of digital systems already inside the \ TOC (relative to the number of systems on the market. | Rate of Soldier Assignment to TOC= MAX(0,Desired Replacements/AVG Replacement Time) ~ Soldiers/Month ~ This variable calculates the rate at which the TOC will be filled with new \ Soldiers (inflow), it also includes a constraint that this value can never \ be negative, in that we will not decrease the nubmer of Soldiers in the \ TOC thru the rate of assignment, but rather through normal attrition by \ "reassignment rate" and "battlefield casualties." | Table Fn for Effect of Relative Manning on Digital System Eff on Info Flow( [(0,0)-(2,1.2)],(0,0),(1,1),(2,1)) ~ Dmnl ~ Provides a lookup table for calculating the effect of relative manning of \ digital systems on internal information flow. Note that above a relative \ level of 1, there is no additional positive effect on internal information \ flow. This means that having more than 1 person available to work on a \ system at any given time is not value added. | SFSO Normal= BFE Normal+COE Normal ~ Operations ~ The total number of normal funcitons needed to support the battlefield \ environment and contemporary operating environmental needs. | Physical Size of TOCs= Table Fn for Effect of Actual TOC Manning on TOC Size(Actual TOC Manning) ~ Tents ~ Physical size of TOC is measured as the number of tents needed for working \ space and sleeping area (obviously this would correspond to a square \ footage layout, but for the purpose of this model it is irrelevant). What \ is perhaps more relevant, and what this model measures more accurately, is \ the dynamic effect that increasing the nubmer of tents has on \ compartementalization, and its corresponding effect on informaiton flow. \ Thus, what is called physical size of TOC could also be called \ compartamentalization, ultimately, it measures both. | Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations= "Battle Field Environment (Non-Contiguous)"+"Contemporary Operating Environment (Threat Asymmetry)" ~ Operations ~ This variable accounts for the total number of additional functions needed \ in the TOC as a result of the Contemporary Operating Environment and \ Non-contiguous battlefiled, which require simultaneous full spectrum \ operations. | Relative Manning per System= Manning per System/Desired Manning per System ~ Dmnl ~ Caluculates the relative manning per system so that the effect of system \ manning capability can be accuately measured and its effect on internal \ information flow calculated. | ******************************************************** .Control ********************************************************~ Simulation Control Parameters | FINAL TIME = 144 ~ Month ~ The final time for the simulation. | INITIAL TIME = 0 ~ Month ~ The initial time for the simulation. | SAVEPER = TIME STEP ~ Month [0,?] ~ The frequency with which output is stored. | TIME STEP = 1 ~ Month [0,?] ~ The time step for the simulation. | \\\---/// Sketch information - do not modify anything except names V300 Do not put anything below this section - it will be ignored *Internal Information Flow $192-192-192,0,Times New Roman|12||0-0-0|0-0-0|0-0-255|-1--1--1|-1--1--1|96,96,5,2 10,1,"Contemporary Operating Environment (Threat Asymmetry)",487,827,104,30,8,131,0,26,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|14|B|255-0-255 10,2,"Battle Field Environment (Non-Contiguous)",680,782,74,30,8,131,0,26,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|14|B|255-0-255 12,3,0,1495,963,54,23,8,128,0,0,-1,0,0,0 10,4,Actual TOC Manning,1150,541,40,24,3,131,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|0-0-255 10,5,Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC,1496,980,59,26,3,131,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|0-0-255 1,6,7,5,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1595,977)| 11,7,1660,1642,977,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,8,Experience Rate,1642,1005,42,20,40,131,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,9,48,978,531,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,10,12,4,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1077,532)| 1,11,12,9,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1010,532)| 11,12,48,1039,532,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,13,Rate of Soldier Assignment to TOC,1039,559,64,19,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,14,48,1354,525,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,15,17,14,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1304,532)| 1,16,17,4,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1221,532)| 11,17,48,1259,532,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,18,Reassignment Rate,1259,551,59,11,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,19,48,1144,657,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,20,22,19,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1144,628)| 1,21,22,4,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1144,580)| 11,22,48,1144,601,8,6,33,3,0,0,4,0,0,0 10,23,Battlefield Casualties,1185,601,33,19,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,24,48,1264,972,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,25,27,5,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1395,972)| 1,26,27,24,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1308,972)| 11,27,48,1348,972,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,28,Digital Systems Acquisition Rate,1348,999,53,19,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 10,29,Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations,657,890,68,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,30,Additional TOC Manning for Digital Systems,475,991,61,28,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,31,5,149,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1359,1064)| 10,32,Avg TOC Assignment Length,1354,461,60,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,33,4,17,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1201,452)| 1,34,32,17,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1349,477)| 10,35,Fractional Casualty Rate,1305,643,45,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,36,35,23,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1245,622)| 1,37,4,23,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1199,575)| 10,38,Desired TOC Manning,1051,773,44,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,39,TOC Manning Gap,1062,659,47,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,40,4,39,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1115,601)| 10,41,AVG Replacement Time,858,516,67,19,8,131,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|255-0-255 1,42,41,13,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(925,567)| 10,43,Normal TOC Manning,840,659,44,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,44,Addl TOC Manning per Digital System,295,967,65,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,45,44,30,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(372,1010)| 1,46,30,38,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1028,875)| 10,47,Addl TOC Manning per Operation,836,952,65,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,48,Addtional TOC Manning for Operations,955,861,50,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,49,47,48,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(885,962)| 1,50,48,38,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1006,817)| 10,51,Avg Digital System Life,1873,1190,38,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,52,Table Fn for Info Flow Effect on Manning Requirement,1535,695,73,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,53,52,54,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1444,715)| 10,54,Effect of Info Flow on Man Reqmt,1340,782,60,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,55,Relative Internal Information Flow,1589,766,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,56,Normal Internal Information Flow,1662,814,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,57,56,55,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1631,793)| 1,58,55,54,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1473,773)| 10,59,Internal Information Flow,1706,583,60,19,8,3,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|0-0-255 1,60,59,55,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1651,668)| 10,61,Levels of Hierarchy,1222,376,32,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,62,Table Fn for Levels of Hierarchy,1083,424,62,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,63,Base Internal Information Flow,1561,628,55,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,64,63,59,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1610,594)| 1,65,4,61,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1143,456)| 1,66,62,61,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1157,398)| 10,67,Effect of Hierarchy on Internal Info Flow,1523,396,70,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,68,Table Fn for Effect of Hierarchy on Info Flow,1416,284,74,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,69,68,67,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1523,348)| 12,70,0,1451,529,36,36,4,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 R3 12,71,0,1453,584,50,12,8,132,0,26,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|14|BI|255-0-0 Bureaucracy 10,72,Physical Size of TOCs,974,386,50,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 12,73,0,1136,320,31,31,4,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 R2 12,74,0,1225,878,54,23,8,128,0,0,-1,0,0,0 10,75,Average Length of Shifts,796,127,59,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 12,76,0,1140,151,30,30,4,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 B1 12,77,0,678,961,37,37,4,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 R5 12,78,0,608,791,40,20,8,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 1,79,4,72,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1017,444)| 12,80,0,2026,118,157,48,8,132,0,24,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|22|B|0-0-0 Causal Loop Diagram of Internal TOC Information Flow 12,81,0,683,1014,43,11,8,4,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 Technology 12,82,0,1232,148,55,11,8,4,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 Human Factors 12,83,0,1123,370,17,12,8,132,0,26,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|14|BI|255-0-0 Size 12,84,0,1204,477,19,19,4,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 B2 12,85,0,1522,1035,21,21,5,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 B3 12,86,0,1197,507,49,11,8,132,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 Reassignment 12,87,0,1563,1065,30,11,8,132,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 Outflow 1,88,4,75,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(829,302)| 10,89,Expected Daily TOC Manning Requirements,677,248,73,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,90,89,75,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(720,163)| 10,91,Table Fn for Shift Length Effect on Info Flow,1204,90,67,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,92,Effect of Shift Length on Info Flow,1407,65,67,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,93,1,29,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(574,878)| 1,94,2,29,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(667,855)| 1,95,67,59,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1589,470)| 1,96,92,59,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1703,296)| 10,97,Effect of TOC Size on Information Flow,1339,207,71,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,98,Table Fn for Effect of Actual TOC Manning on TOC Size,919,274,79,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,99,97,59,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1595,325)| 1,100,98,72,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(932,333)| 10,101,Table Fn for Effect of TOC Size on Information Flow,1481,146,81,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,102,101,97,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1344,152)| 1,103,54,38,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1181,764)| 1,104,38,39,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1111,700)| 10,105,Daily TOC Manning Requirement per Soldier,526,347,78,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,106,105,89,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(548,297)| 10,107,Time to Acquire New Systems,1587,1270,52,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,108,COE Normal,472,586,43,11,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,109,COE Add,514,908,34,11,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,110,109,1,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(496,881)| 10,111,Operations Add Time,524,671,52,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,112,BFE Normal,692,706,41,11,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,113,BFE Add,619,677,32,11,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,114,111,2,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(569,721)| 1,115,112,2,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(690,743)| 1,116,113,2,0,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(641,713)| 10,117,SFSO Normal,575,623,47,11,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,118,108,117,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(517,602)| 10,119,Addl SFSOperations,813,853,50,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,120,119,48,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(873,894)| 1,121,29,119,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(737,870)| 1,122,117,119,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(787,772)| 10,123,Perceived TOC Manning Requirements,770,583,73,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,124,30,123,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(365,629)| 1,125,43,123,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(810,622)| 1,126,48,123,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(778,643)| 1,127,123,89,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(698,460)| 10,128,Normal Replacements,1248,714,45,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,129,23,128,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1170,659)| 1,130,18,128,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1321,573)| 10,131,AVG Replacement Time,1428,648,66,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,132,131,128,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1348,711)| 10,133,Desired Replacements,935,655,45,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,134,39,133,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1044,667)| 1,135,128,133,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1004,710)| 1,136,133,13,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(953,609)| 10,137,Normal TOC Size,1109,204,58,11,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,138,Relative TOC Size,1067,266,59,11,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,139,137,138,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1092,229)| 1,140,72,138,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(988,327)| 1,141,138,97,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1180,225)| 10,142,Normal Length of Shift,989,174,57,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,143,Relative Shift Length,1024,88,42,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,144,75,143,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(939,77)| 1,145,142,143,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1009,128)| 1,146,143,92,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1123,65)| 1,147,91,92,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1314,86)| 10,148,Normal Digital Systems,1061,946,47,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,149,Addl Digital Systems,971,1048,39,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,150,148,149,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1000,992)| 1,151,149,30,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(631,1098)| 10,152,Relative Levels of Hierarchy,1369,349,57,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,153,61,152,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1265,350)| 1,154,152,67,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1441,350)| 10,155,Normal Levels of Hierarchy,1247,283,56,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,156,155,152,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1307,296)| 1,157,5,8,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1547,1088)| 12,158,0,1565,1123,21,21,5,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 R6 12,159,0,1569,1163,62,25,8,132,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 Replacement 10,160,Effect of Info Flow on Desired Systems,1316,859,70,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,161,55,160,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1487,777)| 10,162,Table Fn for Effect of Info Flow on Desired Systems,1181,820,83,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,163,162,160,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1273,816)| 12,164,0,751,361,31,31,4,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 R1 12,165,0,1212,653,23,23,4,132,0,7,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|12||255-0-0 R4 12,166,0,1262,674,44,13,8,132,0,26,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|10|BI|255-0-0 Soldier Replacement 12,167,0,760,438,55,26,8,132,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 Manning Requirements 10,168,Normal TOC Manning,927,751,48,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,169,168,38,0,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(984,760)| 10,170,BFE Normal,638,570,50,11,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,171,170,117,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(613,591)| 10,172,COE Normal,419,760,52,11,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,173,172,1,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(415,773)| 10,174,Operations Add Time,497,725,57,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,175,174,1,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(514,758)| 10,176,Replace Old Digital Systems,1570,1196,62,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,177,107,176,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1580,1239)| 10,178,Desired Number of Systems,1578,878,62,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,179,160,178,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1466,835)| 1,180,5,178,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1522,926)| 10,181,Digital Systems on Order,1278,1139,59,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,182,176,181,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1384,1190)| 1,183,181,28,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1281,1060)| 12,184,48,925,1221,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,185,186,184,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(973,1221)| 11,186,48,1017,1221,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,187,New Digital Systems Creation,1017,1248,56,19,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,188,48,1464,1223,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,189,190,188,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1405,1222)| 11,190,48,1351,1222,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,191,Digital System Obsolescence,1351,1249,46,19,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,192,51,191,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1795,1241)| 1,193,191,187,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1201,1267)| 10,194,Available Digital Systems,1051,1115,52,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,195,Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC,980,1180,70,26,8,130,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,196,195,194,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1013,1148)| 1,197,194,181,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1161,1130)| 10,198,Relative Systems in TOC,2141,1125,54,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,199,5,198,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1673,1103)| 10,200,Effect of System Market on Desired Systems,1976,909,78,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,201,Table Fn for Effect of Sys Mkt on Desired Systems,2194,978,82,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,202,198,200,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2096,1019)| 1,203,201,200,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(2091,925)| 1,204,200,178,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1755,862)| 10,205,Desired Number of New Systems,1149,992,62,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,206,178,205,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1290,906)| 1,207,5,205,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1369,926)| 1,208,205,181,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1163,1058)| 10,209,New Digital Systems Development,773,1281,54,30,8,3,0,26,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|14|B|255-0-255 1,210,209,187,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(909,1283)| 10,211,NDSD Size,672,1218,38,11,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,212,NDSD Start Time,820,1220,57,11,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,213,211,209,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(700,1236)| 1,214,212,209,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(808,1235)| 10,215,Digital Systems Required for Opns,1944,835,60,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,216,Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations,2124,808,73,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,217,216,215,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2032,815)| 10,218,Initial Systems,2120,846,45,11,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,219,SFSO Normal,2122,885,56,11,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,220,218,215,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2046,841)| 1,221,219,215,0,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2050,864)| 10,222,Relative Number of Digital Systems,1798,818,62,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,223,5,222,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1683,916)| 1,224,215,222,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1878,828)| 10,225,Table Fn for Effect of Digital Systems on Info Flow,1919,733,63,51,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,226,Desired Manning per System,2059,360,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,227,Manning per System,2160,522,41,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,228,Actual TOC Manning,2183,401,45,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 10,229,Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC,2016,538,75,26,8,130,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,230,228,227,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2172,454)| 1,231,229,227,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2098,528)| 10,232,Relative Manning per System,2072,445,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,233,226,232,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2063,395)| 1,234,227,232,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2121,488)| 10,235,Effect of Relative Manning per System on Effect of Digital Systems on Info Flow,1870,451,96,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,236,232,235,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1990,423)| 10,237,Table Fn for Effect of Relative Manning on Digital System Eff on Info Flow,1872,335,96,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,238,237,235,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1871,386)| 10,239,Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC,1848,976,61,30,3,131,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|0-0-255 1,240,7,239,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1717,977)| 12,241,48,2037,972,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,242,244,241,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(2000,972)| 1,243,244,239,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1935,972)| 11,244,48,1968,972,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,245,Obsolescence,1968,991,45,11,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,246,239,245,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1893,1031)| 1,247,51,245,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2011,1079)| 10,248,Time to Gain Experience,1756,1031,42,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,249,248,8,0,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1705,1019)| 1,250,239,178,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1715,927)| 1,251,239,198,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1876,1064)| 1,252,239,205,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1536,919)| 10,253,Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC,834,1147,81,28,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,254,253,194,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(944,1113)| 1,255,239,222,0,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1823,898)| 10,256,Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC,2120,616,81,28,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,257,256,227,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(2153,580)| 1,258,245,176,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1883,1134)| 10,259,Time to Acquire New Systems,1227,1036,57,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,260,259,28,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1254,998)| 12,261,0,1679,710,23,23,5,132,0,15,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|14||255-0-0 B4 12,262,0,1687,761,40,19,8,132,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 System Sufficiency 12,263,0,1884,532,21,21,4,132,0,7,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|12||255-0-0 B5 12,264,0,1879,580,58,11,8,4,0,18,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|BI|255-0-0 System Manning 10,265,Digital Systems On Market,1191,1230,65,24,3,131,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|0-0-255 1,266,186,265,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1074,1221)| 1,267,190,265,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1300,1222)| 1,268,265,198,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1719,1312)| 1,269,265,190,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1297,1181)| 1,270,265,194,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1123,1174)| 10,271,Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems,1415,1099,78,28,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,272,271,28,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1402,1033)| 10,273,Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr,1787,1102,65,24,8,130,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,274,273,248,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1773,1070)| 10,275,Effect of Relative Number of Digital Systems On Internal Information Flow,1784,711,78,53,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,276,222,275,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1794,788)| 1,277,275,59,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1736,641)| 1,278,225,275,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1864,770)| 1,279,235,59,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1773,560)| 1,280,218,5,0,0,0,0,0,64,1,-1--1--1,,1|(1822,909)| 1,281,218,239,0,0,0,0,0,64,1,-1--1--1,,1|(2009,898)| \\\---/// Sketch information - do not modify anything except names V300 Do not put anything below this section - it will be ignored *External Information Flow $192-192-192,0,Times New Roman|12||0-0-0|0-0-0|0-0-255|-1--1--1|-1--1--1|96,96,5,2 12,1,0,1944,813,54,23,8,128,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,2,0,841,41,161,48,8,132,0,24,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|22|B|0-0-0 Causal Loop Diagram of External TOC Information Flow 10,3,External Information Flow,1322,376,60,19,8,3,0,18,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|12|B|0-0-255 10,4,Average Distance Between Nodes,564,597,57,19,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,5,Access to Information,731,283,37,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,6,Capability of Digital Systems,1590,46,63,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,7,Capability of Signal Equipment,1349,884,62,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,8,Effect of Ext Info Flow on Sig Equip Maturation Rate,1624,610,84,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,9,Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr,1530,227,70,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 12,10,0,1406,276,20,20,5,4,0,7,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|12||255-0-0 R7 12,11,0,1698,191,20,20,5,4,0,7,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|12||255-0-0 B6 12,12,0,1299,696,20,20,4,4,0,7,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|12||255-0-0 R8 12,13,0,1689,231,44,15,8,4,0,10,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|10||255-0-0 Digital Systems Acquisition 12,14,0,1405,313,45,9,8,4,0,10,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|10||255-0-0 Digital Learning 12,15,0,1300,747,37,9,8,4,0,10,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|10||255-0-0 Connectivity 10,16,Base External Information Flow,1363,458,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,17,16,3,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1336,423)| 10,18,"Impact of Ave Distance Between Nodes on % Nodes Connected",895,691,94,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,19,Table Function for Impact of Average Distance Between Nodes,652,780,91,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,20,"Effect of Rel Cap of Sig Equip on % Nodes Connected",1013,870,76,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,21,19,18,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(756,774)| 10,22,Table Fn for Effect of Rel Cap of Sig Equip on Ability to Connect Nodes,831,934,97,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,23,22,20,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(945,950)| 10,24,Relative External Information Flow,1468,384,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,25,Normal External Information Flow,1678,418,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,26,3,24,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1389,412)| 1,27,24,9,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1524,297)| 1,28,24,8,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1472,448)| 1,29,25,24,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1582,407)| 10,30,Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Desired Sig Equip Replacement,1791,565,85,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,31,Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems,1819,250,78,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,32,24,31,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1733,344)| 1,33,24,30,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1559,421)| 10,34,"# of Hierarchial Barriers",386,152,65,20,8,3,0,26,0,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|14|B|255-0-255 10,35,Table Fn for Perceived Need to Improve Digital Systems,1945,347,78,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,36,35,31,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1856,262)| 10,37,Tble Fun for Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Desired Sig Equip Replacement,1835,479,100,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,38,37,30,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1830,512)| 10,39,Simultaneous Full Spectrum Operations,349,657,73,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,40,39,4,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(376,634)| 10,41,Table Function for Ave Dist Between Nodes,390,506,74,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,42,41,4,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(470,548)| 10,43,Tabel Fn for Effct of Ext Info Flow on Matur Rate,1402,643,70,30,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,44,43,8,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1503,665)| 12,45,0,1626,545,43,16,8,4,0,26,-1,0,0,0,0-0-0,0-0-0,|10|BI|255-0-0 Technological Solutions 12,46,0,1592,498,20,20,4,4,0,7,-1,0,0,0,255-0-0,255-0-0,|12||255-0-0 R9 10,47,New Sig Equip,1658,777,40,20,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,48,Expr Sig Equip,1487,778,40,20,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 12,49,48,1814,774,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,50,52,47,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1724,774)| 1,51,52,49,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1783,774)| 11,52,48,1756,774,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,53,New Sig Equip Acq Rate,1756,801,49,19,40,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,54,56,48,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1546,777)| 1,55,56,47,100,0,45,22,2,0,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1598,777)| 11,56,1244,1572,777,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,57,Sig Euip Maturation Rate,1572,809,52,19,40,131,0,0,-1,0,0,0 12,58,48,1359,778,10,8,0,3,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,59,61,58,4,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1385,778)| 1,60,61,48,100,0,0,22,0,0,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1430,778)| 11,61,48,1408,778,6,8,34,3,0,0,1,0,0,0 10,62,Sig Equip Obsolescence Rate,1408,804,62,19,40,131,0,0,-1,0,0,0 1,63,48,7,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1419,844)| 1,64,8,56,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1592,660)| 10,65,Normal Sig Equip Replacement,1797,877,57,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,66,47,57,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1642,815)| 10,67,Normal Sig Equip Matur Rate,1654,696,57,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,68,67,57,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1617,746)| 10,69,Total Sig Equip,1603,876,49,11,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,70,47,69,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1674,834)| 1,71,48,69,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1524,838)| 1,72,69,7,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1488,898)| 10,73,Number of New Digital Systems Inside TOC,1838,182,80,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 10,74,Experienced Number of Digital Systems Inside TOC,1555,148,81,28,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 10,75,Total Dig Sys Inside TOC,1789,93,44,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,76,74,75,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1692,147)| 1,77,73,75,1,0,45,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1816,144)| 1,78,75,6,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1770,86)| 1,79,74,6,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1579,102)| 10,80,Table Fn for Effect of Rel Ext Info Flow on Time to Gain Expr,1641,312,81,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,81,80,9,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1638,257)| 10,82,Effect of Relative Digital Sys Cap on Ext Info Flow,1363,203,73,31,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,83,Table Fn for Dig Sys Cap on Info Flow,1224,117,67,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,84,82,3,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1302,235)| 1,85,83,82,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1273,158)| 1,86,48,61,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1431,746)| 10,87,Ave Signal Sys Life,1390,717,48,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,88,87,61,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1393,752)| 10,89,Normal Sig Equip Replacement Time,1946,900,59,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,90,62,65,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1583,909)| 1,91,89,65,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1853,914)| 10,92,Desired Sig Equipment Replacement,1940,740,73,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,93,65,92,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1910,830)| 1,94,30,92,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1944,619)| 1,95,92,52,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1856,699)| 10,96,Normal Sig Equip Replacement Time,1812,668,64,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,97,96,52,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1746,692)| 10,98,Relative Capability of Signal Equipment,1173,907,68,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,99,Normal Capability of Signal Equipment,1226,973,67,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,100,7,98,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1268,902)| 1,101,98,20,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1036,883)| 1,102,99,98,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1206,919)| 10,103,Normal Capability of Digital Systems,1280,25,67,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,104,Relative Capability of Digital Systems,1431,89,68,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,105,6,104,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1452,43)| 1,106,104,82,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1405,123)| 1,107,103,104,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1338,66)| 10,108,Normal Access to Information,865,396,58,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,109,Relative Access to Information,881,318,59,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,110,Effect of Relative Access to Information on External Information Flow,1111,328,88,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,111,Table Fn for Effect of Rel Acc to Info on Ext Info Flow,1105,220,81,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,112,5,109,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(788,295)| 1,113,109,110,0,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(974,321)| 1,114,110,3,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1220,336)| 1,115,111,110,0,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1107,267)| 1,116,108,109,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(870,363)| 10,117,"% Nodes Connected",1054,744,35,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,118,20,117,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1018,808)| 1,119,18,117,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(956,732)| 10,120,"Table Fn For % Nodes Connected",1172,794,59,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,121,120,117,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1076,787)| 10,122,"Relative % Nodes Connected",1133,620,58,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,123,"Normal % Nodes Connected",1194,695,57,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,124,"Effect of Relative % Nodes Connected on External Info Flow",1226,514,87,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,125,"Table Fn for Effect of Relative % Nodes Connected on External Info Flow",1414,557,84,51,8,131,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,126,117,122,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1040,661)| 1,127,122,124,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(1102,568)| 1,128,124,3,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1212,461)| 1,129,125,124,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1307,561)| 1,130,123,122,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(1203,660)| 10,131,"Relative # of Hierarchical Barriers",394,249,66,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,132,"Normal # of Hierarchical Barriers",208,264,66,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,133,"Effect of Relative # of Hierarchical Barriers on Access to Information",556,359,75,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,134,34,131,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(328,203)| 1,135,131,133,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(506,260)| 1,136,133,5,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(716,364)| 1,137,132,131,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(331,328)| 10,138,"Table Fn for Effect of Rel # of Hier Barriers on Access to Info",623,183,87,28,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,139,138,133,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(647,286)| 10,140,Relative Distance Between Nodes,719,633,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,141,Normal Distance Between Nodes,798,555,54,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,142,4,140,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(662,574)| 1,143,140,18,1,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(816,619)| 1,144,141,140,0,0,45,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(763,589)| 10,145,Hierarchical Step Size,256,59,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,146,Hierarchical Step Time,402,69,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 1,147,146,34,1,0,0,0,0,64,0,-1--1--1,,1|(456,114)| 1,148,145,34,1,0,43,0,2,64,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(270,116)| 1,149,132,34,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(258,212)| \\\---/// Sketch information - do not modify anything except names V300 Do not put anything below this section - it will be ignored *NET Information Flow $192-192-192,0,Times New Roman|12||0-0-0|0-0-0|0-0-255|-1--1--1|-1--1--1|96,96,5,3 10,1,NET Information Flow,624,218,55,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0 10,2,Internal Information Flow,473,310,60,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,3,2,1,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(507,241)| 10,4,External Information Flow,771,307,66,19,8,2,0,3,-1,0,0,0,128-128-128,0-0-0,|12||128-128-128 1,5,4,1,1,0,43,0,2,192,0,-1--1--1,|12||0-0-0,1|(720,213)| ///---\\\ :L<%^E!@ 9:SFSO Inc 6, NDSD 1 Month, 1 HB 22:Operation,Operations 22:System,Systems 15:0,0,0,0,0,0 19:5,0 27:2, 34:0, 4:Time 5:Table Fn for Effect of Hierarchy on Info Flow 24:0 25:144 26:144