State University Of New York At Albany 1962 August - 1986 Fall SUNYA made University Center. State University College at Albany renamed State University of New York at Albany.
Position Of Director Of The Computing Center Created And E. D. Reilly, Jr. Is Hired From Ge To Direct The New Computing Center 1965 September Position of Director of the Computing Center created and E. D. Reilly, Jr. is hired from GE to direct the new Computing Center. Reilly is also tasked with developing courses in computer science leading to the BA and/or graduate degrees in Computer Science.
Announcement That The Current Position Of Dean Of Women Will Be Abolished 1965 May Announcement that the current position of Dean of Women will be abolished when Ellen C. Stokes, the current dean, retires. The job responsibilities will be transferred to Lois H. Gregg, associate dean of students.
President Collins Creates Two Vice Presidential Offices 1965 September 09 President Collins creates two vice presidential offices. Dr. Webb S. Fiser is appointed the first Vice President for Academic Affairs. Office of Vice President for Student Affairs was also created by Collins. Dr. Clifton H. Thorne, named Dean of Students on July 1, is appointed Vice Presid- ency....
Ph.D. In Spanish Offered 1966 May Ph.D. in Spanish offered. Announcement that Earl G. Droessler has been appointed vice president for research, a newly created vice presidental position.
First Full Time Position Of Director Of Sports Information Created 1967 January 26 First full-time position of director of sports information created with the appointment of Robert H. Rice, Jr. to the position in the Public Information Office. Office of Sponsored Funds established.
Chancellor Gould and Student Association Pledge to Increase Efforts at Fighting Inequality 1968 December 17 During a meeting between Chancellor Gould and the presidents of the Student Associations of the Universities and Colleges of the State University of New York, economic opportunity programs and race relations are discussed and a consensus is reached that more should be done within the state system...
President Collins Resigns Effective June 30th 1969 June 30th President Collins resigns effective June 30th.
"Black Rhetoric" Course to Debut in Spring 1970 1969 May 16 Offered by the Rhetoric and Public Address Department, and to be taught by Dr. James Smoot, the Assistant Vice-Chancellor of SUNY and Coordinator of Urban Centers and Special Programs with the Central Administration, including the Education Opportunities Program (EOP).
Student Senator Introduces Bill to Investigate Albany High School Protest Incident 1969 November 21 After university students join a November 12th protest of black students for equal treatment at Albany High School, the meeting is forcibly dispersed by the police. Later in the month, student Senator Steve Villano introduced a bill to the University Senate that asked for that body to call upon...