University President's Task Force On Sweatshop Labor Appointed

2000 May

The University's President's Task Force on Sweatshop Labor was appointed by Karen Hitchcock in May 2000 with the charge to: 1) "To determine the most effective mechanism to ensure that workers' rights and humane working conditions are upheld in the production of University at Albany apparel;" 2) "To address barriers to achieving these goals by analyzing the legal and contractual obligations that affect the University, and to determine effective action steps to address these obstacles;" 3)"To detail appropriate steps members of the University community can take to understand and promote effective and responsible citizen and consumer advocacy;" 4) "To recommend educational strategies which address workers' rights and humane working conditions in an increasingly interdependent world." Katherine Briar-Lawson is chairing the Task force with representatives from faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students.


Source Details

Untitled news blurb on formation of task force with full list of members, University Update, May 4, 2000, p. 3; Greta Petry, "President's Task Force on Sweatshop Labor Makes Progress," University Update, September 7, 2000, p. 1
