Sexual Assault Task Force Released Its Final Report
2007 May 16
The University at Albany's Sexual Assault Task Force, appointed in the fall by Provost Susan Herbst, released its final report and recommendations. The task force was lead by James A. Anderson, vice president for Student Success, and Katharine Briar-Lawson, dean of the School of Social Welfare. The task force concluded that it was the University's "responsibility and accountability to minimize any threat associated with sexual assault and to educate all members of the campus community." Specific recommendations included: 1. Create a standing committee on campus-related sexual assaults. 2. Create a group of peer educators whose primary focus is sexual assault prevention. 3. Develop a bystander training program involving University at Albany faculty, staff and students and involve coaches, athletes and members of fraternities, sororities and other student organizations. 4. Encourage faculty who teach relevant subjects to devote instructional time to issues relating to sexual assault. 5. Engage parents around issues of healthy sexual relationships, active consent, bystander empowerment, and otherwise concerning the incidence of and prevention of sexual assault.
Source Details
News release, "UAlbany Sexual Assault Task Force Releases Final Report," May 16, 2007, UAlbany News Archive, Office of Communications and Marketing