First Faculty Member Hired 1844 November 23 The first faculty member hired by Executive Committee was George R. Perkins, mathematical instructor. Perkins would become the second principal in 1848.
David Perkins Page 1844 December 13 David Page's appointment as the School's first principal confirmed by the Executive Committee.
The First Librarian, Darwin G. Eaton Appointed 1845 May 2 The first librarian, Darwin G. Eaton, was appointed on May 2nd. Eaton was a student.
George R. Perkins 1848 January 1 -1852 July 8 George R. Perkins, LL.D., the first faculty member hired at the Normal School, was appointed principal effective January 1 1848.
Principal George R. Perkins Submits Letter Of Resignation To Become Mathematician For The New York Central Railroad. 1852 May 17 Principal George R. Perkins submits letter of resignation on May 17 effective July 8 to become mathematician for the New York Central Railroad.
Normal School Company Formed For Civil War Service 1862 September Normal School Company formed to fight in the Civil War. Led by Lieutenant, subsequently Captain, Albert N. Husted, SNS ‘45, and Captain Rodney Kimball, the Company fought at Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsville, and Cold Harbor. Husted Hall was named for Husted in...
Oliver Arey Assumes Office Of Principal 1865 January 12[?] Oliver Arey assumes office of Principal. The Executive Committee Minutes of January 12, 1865, leave the impression that Arey did not take office until the new year.
President Alden Resigns 1882 May 23 Executive Committee accepts President Alden's resignation effective at the close of the term. Alden’s contributions included the provision of equal pay for equal work regardless of sex and an insistence that English was as worthy of study as Greek & Latin. During his term the school accepted and...
Position Of Assistant To The President Created 1906 Position of Assistant to the President created. Dr. Aspinwall is named to the post.
Faculty Governance Begins 1915 September 27 The Faculty Council first meets. This group would become the University Senate in 1969.