Configuring Logging

  • The level of logs displayed by mailbagit is based on an environment variable MAILBAGIT_LOG_LEVEL.

  • Log levels are available in the following order : NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and CRITICAL. For example, when the MAILBAGIT_LOG_LEVEL is DEBUG, mailbagit displays logs of all levels. And when MAILBAGIT_LOG_LEVEL is WARN, it displays logs of level WARN and above. i.e. WARN, ERROR, or CRITICAL.

  • If no MAILBAGIT_LOG_LEVEL environment variable is set, mailbagit will default to WARN.

Unix example:

> info

Windows Powershell example:

> debug

On Windows, you can also set environment variables by searching “edit environment variable”.

Example of the logger initiation and usage in Python:

from structlog import get_logger
import mailbagit.loggerx
log = get_logger()	
log.error("Error message here")"Information message here")