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University Libraries

Eleanor Roosevelt and the University at Albany

Eleanor Roosevelt spoke at the New York State College for Teachers on four occasions, 1932, 1938, 1945, and 1961. Unfortunately, only the text of her 1938 address survives. Nevertheless, two books by Eleanor Roosevelt, It's Up to the Women (1933) and It Seems To Me (1954), both acquired by the University Libraries' for its 2 Millionth Volume Celebration, provide insight into her thinking on the issues addressed in her speeches: women's education, war and peace, the need for understanding between peoples, races and religions, and her views on Communism.

Dr. Blanche Wiesen Cook is Distinguished Professor of History and Women's Studies at the John Jay College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She was chosen for the honor of Scholar of the Year in 1996 by the New York State Council on the Humanities. Dr. Cook has also published two volumes on the life of Eleanor Roosevelt (Right: Cover of Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. 2, 1999). Albany's University Libraries are hosting a gala luncheon and symposium on April 5, 2001 to celebrate the addition of their Two Millionth Volume. Dr. Cook will give a final keynote address.

The following exhibit highlights Roosevelt's visits to the New York State College for Teachers in 1932, 1938, 1945, and 1961, by presenting primary sources from the University Archives documenting her visits.

Blanche Wiesen Cook, Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. 2 of 2 ( New York: Viking, 1999)
The exhibit is divided into the following sections:

Exhibit curated by Geoffrey Williams, University Archivist
Digital Exhibit by Brian Keough, Curator of Manuscripts & Lynn Dorwaldt, Graduate Assistant
M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives
Comments to the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives Staff

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