Installing with Python

To install mailbagit using Python, you just need Python version 3.7 or higher with pip.

If you’re installing Python on Windows, during the install make sure to select the option to “Add Python to PATH”.

Pip should come installed with Python on Windows. On Mac or Linux, you should already have Python installed, but you may have to run python3 -m ensurepip if you don’t already have pip.

When you have Python >3.7 and pip, to install mailbagit, just run:

pip install mailbagit

Working with PST files

Packaging mailbags from PST files requires additional dependencies. To install these, in addition to pip install mailbagit, you need to run:

pip install 'mailbagit[pst]'

Installing this on Windows requires Visual Studio C++ Build Tools. Without this you will get an error. To rectify this:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2022 (Community Edition works fine.)
  2. Using the Visual Studio installer, in the Workloads tab make sure to check at least “Desktop development with C++” and the VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools in the Installation details optional settings on the right side.

Screenshot of checking the correct options using the Visual Studio Installer.

Once the VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools are installed, you can exit the Visual Studio installer. You won’t need to use it directly to run mailbagit, it is just required to install the PST dependencies.

You should now be able install the PST dependencies with:

pip install 'mailbagit[pst]'

If you have trouble installing the PST dependencies on Windows, try using the Windows executables.

Using the Mailbagit Graphical User Interface (GUI)

To install the mailbagit GUI, in addition to pip install mailbagit, you need to run:

pip install 'mailbagit[gui]'

If it is installed correctly, the GUI will run using the mailbagit-gui command.

Mailbagit GUI on Windows

There is a known issue where the GUI does not run with the mailbagit-gui command on Windows. It will boot and lets you enter options but then fails to run when you click “start.”

Instead, try creating a file called with the contents:

from mailbagit import gui

You should then be able to run the GUI with python3

Mailbagit GUI on Ubuntu

The GUI dependency wxPython does not install well on some environments, including Ubuntu. If pip install mailbagit[gui] fails, you may want to try a specific version for your distro.

For example, on Ubuntu 20.04, this seems to work well.

pip install -U -f wxPython

After wxPython is installed, try running pip install mailbagit[gui] again.