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- Ab urbe condita (Livy)1
- Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden, John)1
- Accelerated reader6
- Act to amend the National Labor Relations Act to extend its coverage and protection to employees of nonprofit hospitals, and for other purposes (United States)1
- Ad Atticum (Cicero, Marcus Tullius)1
- Aesop's fables3
- Aesop's fables Adaptations3
- Aesop's fables Illustrations1
- Aesop's fables. nli1
- Age of reason (Paine, Thomas)1
- Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Viet-Nam (1973 January 27)1
- Akdamut millin1
- Akdamut millin. Yiddish & Aramaic1
- Albany Evening Journal1
- Albany Evening News1
- Alice's adventures in Wonderland (Carroll, Lewis)5
- Alice's adventures in wonderland. swd1
- Alien Registration Act, 1940 (United States)2
- Almagest (Ptolemy)1
- American citizen (San Francisco, Calif.)1