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- La95 021
- Labor Management Relations Act, 1947 (United States)4
- Ladies' magazine (Boston, Mass. : 1834)1
- Las Huelgas codex1
- Last Judgment (Michelangelo Buonarroti)1
- Laws, etc. (Ordonnances du roy Henry troisiesme : France)1
- Laws, etc. (Spain)1
- Leaves of grass (Whitman, Walt)2
- Leiden des jungen Werthers (Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von)2
- Libellus de medicinalibus Indorum herbis (Cruz, Martín de la)1
- Libro d'ore Visconti1
- Lienzo de Tepetícpac1
- Little golden books gnd1
- Lolita (Motion picture : 1962) nli1
- Lolita. swd1
- Lord's prayer5
- Lord's prayer Illustrations2
- Lord's prayer Sermons Early works to 18002
- Lorscher Evangeliar2