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- Paper Maker. (Indexes)1
- Paradise lost (Milton, John)2
- Pensées (Pascal, Blaise)1
- Pentagon Papers1
- Peter Pan (Barrie, J. M.)2
- Peter Pan (Barrie, J.M.)1
- Petrushka (Stravinsky, Igor)1
- Philosophische Anthropologie gnd2
- Pied Piper of Hamelin (Tale)1
- Pilots2
- Pilots Juvenile fiction2
- Poet of the month1
- Politics (Aristotle)2
- Prae-Adamitae (La Peyrère, Isaac de)5
- Principe (Machiavelli, Niccolò)1
- Principia (Newton, Isaac)1
- Pro populo Anglicano defensio (Milton, John)1
- Prosperous Su-chou (Xu, Yang)1
- Protocols of the wise men of Zion3
- Pull my daisy (Motion picture)1