
Search Results

281. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg : report of the Pennsylvania Commission, presented to His Excellency, John K. Tener, Governor of Pennsylvania, for transmittal to the General Assembly.

284. Forerunners and competitors of the Pilgrims and Puritans : or, Narratives of voyages made by persons other than the Pilgrims and Puritans of the Bay colony to the shores of New England during the first quarter of the seventeenth century, 1601-1625, with especial reference to the labors of Captain John Smith in behalf of the settlement of New England

290. Florida, the land of enchantment; including an account of its romantic history from the days of Ponce de Leon and the other early explorers and settlers, and the story of its native Indians; a survey of its climate, lakes and rivers and a description of its scenic wonders and abundant animal and bird life; and a comprehensive review of the Florida of to-day, as a state important for its industries, agriculture and educational advantages as well as the unsurpassed and justly celebrated winter resort of America, with unparalleled attractions for health and pleasure seekers, nature lovers, motorists and sportsmen