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21. A short and plain instruction for the better understanding of the Lord's Supper; with the necessary preparation required; for the benefit of young communicants, and of such as have not well considered this holy ordinance. To which is annexed the office of the Holy Communion ...

23. Beauties of the Bible : being a selection from the Old and New Testaments, with various remarks and brief dissertations, designed for the use of Christians in general, and particularly for the use of schools and for the improvement of youth.

24. Hē Kainē Diathēkē = Novum Testamentum : cum versione Latina Ariae Montani, in quo tum selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi Testamenti voces continentur, asteriscis notantur, tum omnes & singulae voces, semel vel saepius occurrentes, peculiari nota distinguuntur