Search Results

191. Bouza, Manuel with Silvia Ulli-Beer, "Endogenous Transformation in the Automobile Industry"

192. Boudreau, Justin with Eugene Choi, Ravindra Datta, Oljora Rezhdo and Khalid Saeed, "Platinum Supply and the Growth of Fuel Cell Vehicles"

193. Borshchev, Andrei with Timofey Popkov, "Getting Started With AnyLogic Software"

194. Boettcher, Kevin, "A Systems-Oriented Analysis of the Corporate Tax Department Data Collection Work Process"

195. Bleijenbergh, Inge with Hubert Korzilius and Piet Verschuren, "The Validity and Utility of Participatory Research Strategies"

196. Black, Laura with Don Greer, "You meant what? Socially constructing meaning with ongoing interactions"

197. Bivona, Enzo with Sonia Herrera Daza, "Implementing a sustainable CSR Strategy through a System Dynamics Perspective: evidences from a Colombian case-study"

198. Bier, Asmeret, "Dynamic Simulation of a Thermal Water Quality Trading Program and Implications for Policy Design"

199. Bernard, Michael, "Model the Interaction Between Leaders and Society During Conflict Situations"

200. Beall, Allyson, "Environmental Special Interest Group Poster Presentation, Annual Meeting, and Roundtable"