Search Results

71. Robadue, Donald with Raul del Moral Simanek, "A system dynamics perspective on a global fishing enterprise: the case of tuna ranching industry in Mexico"

72. Rich, Eliot with Mark Nelson and Andrew Whitmore, "IT Project Management, Concept Modeling, and Blind Dates"

73. Randers, Jorgen with Ulrich Goluke, "Forecasting Turning Points in Shipping Freight Rates – Lessons from 30 Years of Practical Effort"

74. Randers, Jorgen, "The emergence of Limits to Growth Scenario 2: The pollution crisis"

75. Raman, K. with T. Rajan, "Disease Modeling with Application to Parasite-borne Diseases"

76. Rahn, R. Joel, "Dana Meadows Award Ceremony"

77. Rahmandad, Hazhir, "Why myopic policies persist? Impact of growth opportunities and competition"

78. Rafferty, Martin, "Reductionism, Holism and System Dynamics"

79. Radzicki, Michael, "In Defense of System Dynamics: A Response to Professor Hayden"

80. Radianti, Jaziar with Jose Gonzalez, "A Preliminary Model of the Vulnerability Black Market"