Search Results

71. Media & Marketing: Prof. Stamatel and Erin Horan photo for web feature here in UAB 201 on 9/7/07 at 9:30 a.m.

73. CCI: photos of grad students and T.A.'s at CSI oreintation of 8/28/07 in LI-98 (computer science conference room) at 4 p.m., general shots of interaction

75. Media & Marketing: 10/19/06 @ 3:15 PM NanoFab 300 South press conference: Vistec announcement

76. Nano Technology: Photo session: 12/6/06 @ 10:30 AM Nano Fab North photo of beta tool with Nate Cady

77. Life Science: Photo session: 4/1/08 at 11:30 a.m. with Professor Igor Lednev and student Julianne Nichols at Life Science Research Building for a web story.

78. Media and Marketing: 9/10/07 @ 1 PM Nano Fab Lab Prof. Robert Brainard and student Dimitri Vaughan

79. School of Criminal Justice: 10/6/06 @ 3:30 pm Empire Commons to Standish Room for Albany Symposium on Crime and Justice.

80. Rockefeller College: 5/18/06 @ 4 - 5:30 PM Milne 200 Burton Lecture