Search Results

<span itemprop="name">Behrens, Friederike with Eva-Maria Cronrath and Alexander Zock, "How to Approach New Industries and Gain Insights Into Their Development Dynamics"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Barnabe, Federico, "Improving Strategic Thinking in Management Education with System Dynamics based ILEs: Reflections on a Case Study"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Barlas, Yaman with Evrim Dalkiran, "Testing Dynamic Decision Making Under Real-Time Pressure: A Scuba Diving Simulator"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Ballardin, Giorgio, "Hydrogen Production Scenarios in Italy"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Azar, Ahmad with Khaled Wahba, "Biofeedback Control Of Ultrafiltration For Prevention Of Hemodialysis-Induced Hypotension"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Azar, Ahmad with Khaled Wahba, "Association Between Neural Network And System Dynamics To Predict Dialysis Dose During Hemodialysis"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Atsushi, Koshio with Masanori Akiyama, "Physician’s burning out and Human resource crisis in Japanese Hospital: Management for sustaining medical services in Japan"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Armenia, Stefano with Stefano Dafano and Habib Sedehi, "The System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC) community on the web: an online scientific community"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Armenia, Stefano with Laura Roma and Arianna Perugia, "A new system dynamics model for the analysis of the paper dematerialization process in the Italian Public Administration"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Armenia, Stefano with Gloria Fiorani and Marco Meneguzzo, "Analysis of economic impacts and evolutions of the italian cultural event “La Notte Bianca Romana”: a system dynamics approach"</span>