Search Results

<span itemprop="name">Kieckhafer, Karsten with Katharina Wachter, Joachim Axmann and Thomas Spengler, "Model-based Decision Support for Future OEM Power-train Portfolios: Academic Solutions for Practical Requirements"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Khosla, Karan, "“Strategy Dynamics of a Social Enterprise in India”  – Impacts of System Dynamics on conventional strategy formulation"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Kendall, Merrill, "The Wizard of Oz & System Dynamics' Application to System Test"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Keijser, Bas with Jan Kwakkel and Erik Pruyt, "How to Explore and Manage the Future? Formal Model Analysis for Complex Issues under Deep Uncertainty"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Kapmeier, Florian with Jörg Gerigk, ""Small changes can cause big problems over time": Insights from a Systems Thinking Intervention on Ecosystems with 4th graders"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Kaiser, Jasmin with Peter Buxmann, "Toward a Dynamic View on Client Dependence in IS Outsourcing Relationships: A Qualitative System Dynamics Approach"</span>
<span itemprop="name">John, Klaus, "Linking Economic Modeling and System Dynamics: A Basic Model for Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Regulation"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Joffe, Michael, "Competition Between Firms – System Dynamics and Other Approaches"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Ip, Edward with Mark Wolfson, Douglas Easterling, Erin Sutfin, Kimberly Wagoner, Jill Blocker, Kathleen Egan, Hazhir Rahmandad and Shyu-Huei Chen, "Agent-based modeling of College Drinking Behavior and mapping of feedback mechanism of alcohol reduction"</span>
<span itemprop="name">Hovmand, Peter with Matthew Kreuter and James Dearing, "Designing Public Health Dissemination and Delivery Systems"</span>