Students and an unidentified instructor during a course at the State University of New York at Albany in the School of Business. Above the instructor's head on the blackboard are the words "PLEASE USE ASHTRAYS".
Lisa Biundo, State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1977, an Advertising and Production staff member, working on an advertisement at the Campus Center on the uptown campus.
Attending a Community-University Day Advisory meeting are: Kevin Gypson, Mrs. Peter Ten Eyck, Lewis P. Welch, John Farley, faculty member at the State University of New York at Albany in the Dean's Office of the School of Library and Information Science, Mrs. Gene Robb, and Reverend Vladimir Hartman.
A picture of Emmett B. Fields, President of the State University of New York at Albany from July 1, 1975?1977, giving his first address to the university's faculty in one of the buildings of the Uptown Campus.
A group of unidentified students gathered at the Information Desk in the Campus Center at the State University of New York at Albany, presumably to acquire information from the unidentified employee working at the desk.