Search Results

301. Media & Marketing: Prof. Stamatel and Erin Horan photo for web feature here in UAB 201 on 9/7/07 at 9:30 a.m.

303. Donald Siegle

304. CCI: photos of grad students and T.A.'s at CSI oreintation of 8/28/07 in LI-98 (computer science conference room) at 4 p.m., general shots of interaction

305. President's Office: 4/17/07 @ 5 PM Small Fountain for Candle Light Vigil.

306. Provost: photo sesssion: 11/13/07 @ 5 PM UAB 423 Anniversary Celebration of Emeritus Center

307. Rockefeller College: Photo session: Friday Nov. 30, 9:00a.m location: in front of the capitol or another state building downtown

308. Media and Marketing: 2/13/08 @ 11:30 AM Sefcu Arena Job fair / exposition

310. Alumni Association: Photo Session; various locations for Alumni Weekend_07; email to follow with specific locations and times