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121. Olaya, Camilo, "The Significance of Addressing System Dynamics Explanations"

122. Ochoa, Patricia, "Policy Changes in the Swiss Electricity Market: A System Dynamics Analysis of Likely Market Responses (Dana Meadows Award Winner)"

123. Ning, Xiaoqian with Qifan Wang and Bing Wu, "The Influence of Schedule Targets on Project Performance"

124. Ni, Xiaowen with Yuqin Yao, "System Dynamics in Development and Management of Traveling Resources"

125. Myers, Rodney, "Navy Personnel Enterpise Model – A System Dynamics Approach"

126. Moxnes, Erling with Arne Krakenes, "SOPS – A Tool to Find Optimal Policies in Stochastic Dynamic Systems"

127. Morrison, J. Bradley, "Implementation as Learning: An Extension of Learning Curve Theory"

128. Morris, Don, "Causal Inference in the Social Sciences: Variance Theory, Process Theory, and System Dynamics"

129. Morecroft, John with Stewart Robinson, "Explaining Puzzling Dynamics: Comparing the Use of System Dynamics and Discrete-Event Simulation"

130. Mollona, Edoardo, "Revisiting the Theory of Intra-Organizational Ecology and Organizational Change: A System Dynamics Approach"