Search Results

163151. Standard 8: Research and Publication

163152. Commentary on The APA's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Title Page

163153. Violence in the Native American Communities

163154. SIP By-Laws Update

163155. Letter RE: Billing for Copies of the SIP Commentary on the APA

163156. Letter RE: Billing for Copies of the SIP Commentary on the APA

163157. Letter From Dr. Jane F. Silovsky, RE: Nomination for Diane Willis for Division 35 Strickland Daniel Mentoring Award,

163158. Letter RE: Nomination for the Distinguished Career Contribution to Service Award for Daniel V. Foster, PsyD

163159. List of American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiin Psychologists

163160. Missing and Murdered Native Women – Public Awareness Efforts, Presentation

163161. APA Division 45 Call for Award Nominations

163162. SIP Mentorship Match Directory

163163. National Multicultural Conference and Summit Elders List

163164. SIP Mentorship Program Handbook

163165. SIP 2017 Overview of Tribal Access Program (TAP) for National Crime Information General Executive Brief

163166. SIP The Talking Stick Article

163167. Biomedical Sciences, M.S.

163168. Interdisciplinary, Biochemistry & Molecular Chemistry, Enviromental Science, or Financial Market Regulation, B.S.

163169. Accounting, B.S.

163170. International Conference on Nuclear Weapons and International Law, New York

163171. Pedagogue

163172. Intercollegiate Broadcast System

163173. The Facts on Violence Against American Indian/Alaskan Native Women, Futures Without Violence

163174. SIP Affiliation Standards Applicable to Affiliate and Provisional Chapters

163175. SIP Proposal Bylaws Change to Allow for Local SIP Chapters

163176. Sip Minimum Standards for Affiliation

163177. The Implications of the SIP Commentary on the APA Code of Ethics are many, broad and deep.

163178. Cultural Humility: Process and content of the SIP Commentary on the APA Code of Ethics

163180. American Indians and Alaska Natives in Psychology, History Chapter, with Jacqueline Gray edits

163181. SIP Mission Statement Page, with notes

163182. Memorandum of Understanding between the American Psychological Association and the Society of Indian Psychologists

163183. Indigenous Women’s Leadership, Presentation

163184. Special Commentary from the SIP

163185. The Memorandum of Understanding, purpose

163186. SIP Membership Information

163187. Mentor-Mentee Evaluation Questions

163188. Domestic Violence Homicide Statistics

163189. Institute for Native Justice Dating Violence Fact Sheet

163190. Institute for Native Justice Sexual Assault Fact Sheet

163191. Institute for Native Justice Stalking Fact Sheet

163192. Mentor-Mentee Evaluation Questions, with edits

163193. References Sheet

163194. Call For Nominations NMCS Shining Star Award

163195. Letter From Dr. Subia BigFoot RE: Nomination for Diane Willis for Division 35 Strickland Daniel Mentoring Award,

163196. Legal Protections for Native Spiritual Practices in Prison, Report

163197. North American Working Group on Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls Framing Paper

163198. PRC Tribal Insights Brief, Human & Sex Trafficking, Report

163199. Letter from NMCSCalling for Nominations for the NMCS Lifetime Achievement Community Engagement Award

163200. National Multicultural Conference and Summit - Elders Nomination Form, Jacqueline Gray