As part of their on going concern for their community, Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members at SUNY Oswego donated food to needy local families. Union member Manuel Orta loads a box of food destined for the Salvation Army as members Dan Hoefer, Joe Miceli and Margaret Turner prepare another container. Across New York State CSEA members are caring community members, donating time and raising money for local charities and communnity projects all year long.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Central Region President Jim Moore, at right, presents a check to the organizers of the Blodgett Library renovation. CSEA's Onondga County, New York, area Locals participated in a huge fund-raising effort that raised nearly $6,000 to help renovate a school library in one of Syracuse's poorest public schools.
A preschool student in Manlius, Onondaga County, NY, getting a firm grip on the controls of a town snowplow during a presentation at the preschool. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members in the town's department of public works visited the preschoolers, teachers, and parents to talk about winter safet and avoiding accidents with town trucks during the winter.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member Bob Plunkett, co-chair of the Capital Region Veterans Committee, delivers cookies and candy to the 109th Airlift Wing at the Stratton Air National guard base in Scotia, New York. Across New York State CSEA members are caring community members, donating time and raising money for local charities and community projects all year long.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member Mindy Davidson competed in a triathlon in Florida hoping to raise $5,000 for leukemia research. Davidson, who works for Nassau County (New York) BOCES, is among thousands of CSEA members each year who improve their communitiies by volunteering for neighborhood programs and raising money for local charities all year long. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue making a point in the St. Lawrence County, New York Manager's office in Canton while State Police Superintendent Jim McMahon and State Office of Mental Health Commissioner James Stone look on. Donohue had traveled to New York State's North Country in the aftermath of a devastating ice storm in January 1998 to help recognize the efforts of CSEA members responding to the disaster that left much of the region without power for weeks in the heart of winter.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue, center, posing with CSEA St. Lawrence County Local President Betty Thomas and County Administrator Donald R. Brining outside the county office building in Canton, New York. Donohue had traveled to the North Country in the aftermath of a devastating ice storm in January 1998 to help recognize the efforts of CSEA members responding to the disaster that left much of the region without power for weeks in the heart of winter. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
This Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) cartoon, by CSEA graphic artist Ralph Distin, depicts Governor George E. Pataki as oblivious to the needs of state workers in their fight for a fair contract as well as their efforts to obtain one, which culminated in a 20,000 member-strong rally at the state Capitol. A contract agreement was reached a short time later in early Jan. 2000.
This Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) cartoon, by CSEA graphic artist Ralph Distin, depicted the horrific violence of the 1995 bombing attack on innocent public employees working at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The union had long made efforts to secure worksites in New York State.
This Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) cartoon, by CSEA graphic artist Ralph Distin, depicts the union's successful efforts to stop an ill-conceived Internal Revenue Service attempt in 1988 to tax unused public employee sick leave and vacation time.