Dr. Arthur Collins, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1948 presenting the first Futterer Fellowship Award to Robert Verini, State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1973. The Futterer Fellowship is awarded for graduate study in theatre or theatre-related fields.
Attending an event associated with Alumni Weekend, 1978, are, left to right: Muriel Dando, Wanda Tomasik Methe, and unidentified woman, an Gari Deliganis Paticopoulos, all New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1948. Gari Paticopoulos is also the class councillor for the Class of 1948.
Muriel Dando, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1948, and a group of unidentified women talking during an event associated with Alumni Weekend, 1978. The event is taking place in a building on the uptown campus.
Dr. Arthur Collins, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1948, Bernard Schraml, State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1975, and Mary Schraml, talking while at an event associated with Alumni Weekend, 1978.
A group of people sitting at the awards table during the Alumni Luncheon on Alumni Weekend, 1978. Pictured are: Helen Horowitz (standing) of the Economics Department; Joseph Marion, State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1971, 1978 winner of the Husted Award; Marilyn Wells Marion, State University of New York at Albany, Class of 1974; and Dr. Eugene McLaren (standing, rear), New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1948.