Search Results

<span itemprop="name">President: 3/22/06 @ 9:30 AM Science Library basement Albany HS student / first day</span>
<span itemprop="name">Chemistry: 2/6/06 @ 11 AM Chemistry TBA various locations for brochure images</span>
<span itemprop="name">Sports Information: 8/17/04 @ 12:30 PM Soccer Field Women's Soccer Team Photo digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 4/27/05 @ 2:30 PM CC Ballroom President's Speech to Faculty digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 5/16/05 @ 7:30 AM Collins Circle Roads Scholar Tour digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 11/8/04 @ 3 PM CESTM portrait: Robert Geer digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 12/5/05 @ 7 PM St. Vincent's Parish Ctr / 984 Madison Ave. Pine Hills Neighborhood Assoc. w/ Henry Madej, James Anderson, Frank Wiley, Miriam Trementozzi</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 2/16/05 @ 3:30 PM A&S 121 President Hall meeting with A&S Dean and faculty digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Special Events: 10/17/05 @ 11 am Standish Room Norm Snyder gift announcement / School of Business\ digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 10/13/05 @ 3 PM PE Gym Women's Volleyball / the Ashleys digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 12/7/05 @ 11 AM ED 346 Ed Adm & Plicy Studies w/ Susan Herbst digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">UAF: 12/9/05 @ 7:30 AM Ft. Orange Club Albany School of Business: Vision for the Future digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Business: 10/20/05 @ 5:30 - 7:30 PM Albany Marriott Wolf Rd. Business Alumni Networking event digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Sports Information: 8/17/05 @ 1 PM Football Bleachers various team photos for media guide digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Library: 5/2/06 @ 2 PM - 4 PM Standish Room Bread and Roses Celebration</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 4/14/05 @ 10:30 AM Chem 336 / 335 Christopher Wells digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 12/15/04 @ 3:30 PM AS111A Stuart Swiny w/ students: Elena Stylianou, Katie Alois, Isaac Samuels and David Hanssen digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Development Events: 10/17/05 @ 6 PM - 8 PM GenNY Sis Research Ctr East Campus private dinner digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 4/28/05 @ 8:45 AM CC Assembly Hall Welcome / Dr. William Harvey and James Anderson / Diversity Presentations digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Social Welfare: 3/28/06 @ 3 PM - 5 PM CC Ballroom Town Meeting w/ Richard Catallano</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 2/8/05 @ 3 PM Provosts Office UAB Len Slade w/students digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 3/21/05 @ Noon Standish Room Lunch with Collins Fellows digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">University Development: 12/5/05 @ 6 PM Pepper Jack's Restaurant (Western Ave and Quail St.) Alumnus owner w/ Pres Hall digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 10/7/05 @ 3 PM Alumni House Moot Court Demonstration digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Biology: 7/14/05 @ 9:30 AM Life Science Bldg - various locations general lab shots digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Social Welfare: 1/7/05 @ 10 AM Husted Offices/CTR for Excellence in Aging Services staff photo digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Advancement Events: 6/3/05 @ 7:30 AM Desmond Hotel Latham, NY Council for Economic Outreach Breakfast digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 4/27/05 @ 2:30 PM CC Ballroom President's Speech to Faculty digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 4/27/05 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Various locations President for a Day / Richard Nichols II digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 5/13/05 @ CC Assembly Hall Phi Beta Kappa ceremony / KLH speaking to inductees and parents digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Advancement: 10/27/05 @ 10 AM Main Library portrait: Mr. and Mrs. Panton digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 5/19/05 @ 2 PM Parent's Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd / Mr. and Mrs. Ostoyich digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Sports Informaiton: 5/2/05 @ 5:30 PM RACC Arena Annual Great Dane Awards digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Social Welfare: 11/2/05 @ 2:30 PM Page Hall Lounge Pres Hall w/ SSW faculty digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 5/19/05 @ 2 PM Parent's Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd / Mr. and Mrs. Ostoyich digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Chartwells: 2/15/05 @ 10:30 AM Location: varuous around campus Chartwells operations digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Advancement Events: 10/8/05 @ 9:30 AM Standish Room President's Champagne Brunch digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 12/8/05 @ 4 PM Pres Res Reception for Frank Thompson digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 10/17/05 @ Noon NYS Assembly Bldg Pres Hall and Hearing for Higher Education digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 2/15/06 @ 1:30 PM BA- HR Lab 2nd Fl Prof. Hal Guetal and students</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 5/16/05 @ 7:30 AM Collins Circle Roads Scholar Tour digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 2/21/05 @ 3 PM studio web feature w/ newspapers and students digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Criminal Justice: 6/9/05 @ TBA Science Library / CETL room 2 Piyusha Singh's workshop on crime mapping for police officers digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 9/12/05 @ 11:00 AM Standish Room Press conference digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Media and Marketing: 4/13/05 @ 11:30 AM Pres Office Check presentation: Melanie Hansen digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Nanoscale Science and Engineering: 3/20/06 @ 1:30 PM NanoFab 300 South NYSTAR check presentation</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 12/12/05 @ 6:30 PM Standish Room Business Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) Dinner</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 9/8/05 @ 3 PM Location TBA China Working Group digital</span>
<span itemprop="name">Sheila</span>
<span itemprop="name">President: 2/2/06 @ 3 PM Science Library Moscow Delegation w/ John Rohrbaugh</span>