Search Results

11. Page 122 A-Top: Quarter Century Club members Henrietta Brett, '15, Jacob Epstein, '15 and Florence Linindoll Hilton, '31 on Alumni Day.

12. Page 143: U.N. Secretary General U Thant visited the campus in 1966 as part of a University Seminar Series on Peaceful Change.

13. Page 176: Physics Professor Alain Kaloyeros with graduate students.

14. Page 214 B-Bottom Left: Susan Molinari, '80, '81, the first Albany graduate ever elected to Congress.

15. Page 159: A protest on Alumni Quad against the state's action during the Attica Prison uprising.

16. Page 147 B-Bottom: Action shot of the men's soccer team.

17. Page 152: Sigma Tau Beta, winners of the prize for best float in the 1969 Homecoming Parade.

18. Page 127 A-Top: The laying of the cornerstone on Dutch Quad.

19. Page 158: A protest in support of the Black Panthers at the State Capitol.