Search Results

101. "The Realities of Political Responsibility: Parliament and Party in Western Europe" (outline)

102. "Personalization and Concentration of Power: Are They Consistent with Democracy?" (carbon)

103. Reviews of Political Justice

104. Publishers -- miscellaneous correspondence

105. Yale Law Journal

106. Suhrkamp-Verlag (Günther Busch)

107. Princeton University Press

108. Princeton University Press

109. Hermann Luchterhand Verlag (Frank Benseler)

110. Unidentified letters

111. Letter fragments

112. Zahn, Gordon C.

113. Yale University

114. Wormuth, Francis D.

115. White, Howard B.

116. Stourzh, Gerald (John F. Kennedy-Institut für Amerikastudien)

117. Stern, Fritz

118. Speier, Hans (The Rand Corporation)

119. Social Science Research Council

120. Shell, Kurt L.

121. Scannon, Richard M. (Office of the High Commissioner for Germany)

122. Sartori, Giovanni

123. Sanderson, Fred

124. S -- miscellaneous

125. The Rand Corporation

126. R -- miscellaneous

127. Morrison, Phoebe

128. Morris, Bernard (Bernie) S.

129. Meyer, Fritz

130. Loewenstein, Karl

131. Kahn-Freund, Otto

132. K, L -- miscellaneous

133. Hughes, H. Stuart

134. Holborn, Hajo

135. Herz, John H.

136. Gurland, Arkadij R. L.

137. Grosser, Alfred

138. G, H -- miscellaneous

139. Fulbright Commission

140. Frankfurter, Felix

141. Finley, M. I.

142. Department of State

143. David, Charles & Jeanne

144. Conference Board of Associated Research Councils

145. Committee on Foreign Affairs, Congress of the United States

146. Columbia University

147. Cohen, Steve

148. C, D -- miscellaneous

149. Butler, John Marshall

150. Almond, Gabriel A.

151. Achinger, H.

152. Danger from Deer correspondence

153. Marion Alive correspondence

154. Marion Alive corrections

155. The Weeping Wood correspondence

156. The Ship and the Shore correspondence

157. Correspondence with Max Herzberg

158. [Tale of Bali]. Das Ende der Geburt . Synopsis

159. Headless Angel correspondence

160. The Weeping Wood notes and synopsis

161. Grand Hotel correspondence

162. Catalogs, clippings concerning Spiro exhibit at the Galerie St. Etienne

163. Loewi, Otto

164. Budzislawski, Hermann (Council for a Democratic Germany)

165. "Paul Froehlich 60 Jahre alt." 2p.

166. Budzislawski, Hermann, (3 L. to Misch, 4 L. by Misch)

167. Flynn, John T. "Bureau of Globaloney"

168. Machlup, Fritz

169. Juhn, Adolf Erich

170. Ullmann, Ludwig (also: Max Reinhardt; Friderike Zweig; Ernst Lothar)

171. Spett, Max

172. Miscellaneous. Includes form letters, lists, etc.

173. Keller, Robert (also: Paul Hertz; Kurt R. Grossmann)

174. Oppler's Entries on Sunakawa Case and U.S.-Japan Security Treaties

175. On Human Survival. How A World - View Emerged . Bound copies of English version of Vom Überleben

176. Stanley Hoffmann

177. Statement by H.E. Ambassador Abdulrahim A. Farah before the Committee of 24, after the Committee has heard the petitioners from French Somaliland

178. Psychological Warfare (unpub. TS)

179. Psychological Warfare (unpub. TS)

180. Fragment, "Psychological Warfare" (unpub. TS), and Notes

181. Smend, Rudolf & Gisela

182. Schmitt, Carl

183. Schiedermaier, Dr. (Dekan der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt)

184. The Rockefeller Foundation

185. Neumann, Franz L.

186. Hessisches Staatsministerium

187. Die Probleme der internationalen Sozialpolitik

188. Friesenhahn, Ernst

189. Guggenheim/Social Science Research

190. Other Reviews of Kirchheimer Publications

191. Reviews of Politische Justiz

192. Reviews of Political Justice

193. Reviews of Punishment and Social Structure

194. Untitled Articles - typescripts and carbons

195. "The Policy of the Catholic Church Toward the Jews" (carbon)

196. Diary entries

197. Diary entries, dated New York

198. Hagemejer, Wlodzimierz

199. Syrkus, Helena & Szymon P.

200. Nouneberg, Louta