Search Results

1. Summary of Legislation for 2003-2004

2. 1415-02 Approvals

3. 0304-08 Formal Elimination ofthe General Education Honors Program (Undergraduate Academic Council) Approved 01-05-04

4. 0607-17 Establishment of a "Winter Session"

5. 1314-02A Amendment re CPCA Composition

6. 0405-01 UPC - Additonal Membership on Council and Committees Approved 11-04-04

7. 0809 Proposed Charter Amendment from GAC.docx

8. Summary of Legislation for 1966-1967

9. 1415-07 Approval

10. 0809-15 IRCUAP

11. 0304-04 Revision of semester withdrawal deadline for students having less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (Undegraduate Academic Council) Approved 11-26-03

12. 0809 GP Memo 8-27-09 re Legislation.pdf

13. 0405-21 GAC - Proposal to Amend University Policies Pertaining to the Oversight of Graduate Student Research etc.

14. 0405-02 CERS - University at Albany Policy and Procedures on Misconduct in Research and Scholarship Approved 02-17-05

15. Summary of Legislation for 2008-2009

16. 0607-09 Revision of Course Descriptions of the Undergraduate Faculty-Initiated Topics Courses U UNI 150 and U UNI 350

17. 1011 RES-03 SUNY Resolution Concerning Consultation with Governance

18. 0910-02 Graduate Cert. Program in Professional Science Management

19. 1415-03 Graduate Certificate Program in Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cyber Security

20. 0203-01R Resolution