Search Results

6971. Thiel, Daniel, "Instabilities and Deterministic Chaos In Just-In-Time Production Systems: Comparison between Neutral Networks Stimulation and Continuous Stimulation"

6972. Tasrif, Muhammad, "The Implications of Environmental Consideration in Energy Development to the General Economic Welfare and Development in Indonesia"

6973. Sycamore, Douglas, "Improving Software Project Management Through System Dynamics Modeling"

6974. Sunaryo, Prasetyo with Tusy A. Adbroto, Hary Budiarto and Ervan Maksum, "Application of Sysytem Dynamics on Watershead Management on Java Island, Indonesia"

6975. Suksawang, Orasa, "System Dynamics Approach to Managing Community Development"

6976. Sturtevant, Rochelle, "The Effect of Nutrient Recycling on Ecosystem Stability"

6977. Sturges, Stephen with Graham Winch, "Computer Attack: The Role of Modeling in Development an Intergrated Securtiy Policy"

6978. Sterman, John D. with Rebecca Henderson, Eric Beinhocker and Lee I. Newman, "A Behavioural Analysis of Learning Curve Strategy"

6979. Sterman, John D. with Nelson Repenning, Rogelio Oliva, Elizabeth Krahmer, Scott Rockart and Andrew Jones, "The Improvement Paradox: Designing Sustainable Quality Improvement Programs"

6980. Sridharan, Sanjeev, "Can Vector- Autoregression Methodology Help in an Understanding of the Casual Dynamics of the Unemployment- Crime Relationships?"