Search Results

10501. Page 99 C-Bottom: Exterior of Pierce Hall and Alumni Quad Courtyard.

10502. Page 46: Principal Anna Pierce, '84 and Aurelia Hyde, '95 with Model Primary School Students in Washington Park

10503. Dustjacket Back Cover: The Belltower.

10504. Page 80: Members of the Class of 1933 at their first reunion June 16, 1934.

10505. Page 94: Vanderzee Hall.

10506. Page 168 A-Top: Biology professor John Mackiewicz was the first Albany faculty member promoted to "Distinguished" rank by the State University Board of Trustees in 1973.

10508. Page 43 B-Bottom: Jenny Wornham Wickham, '86

10509. Page 132: Dutch Quad Dining Hall.

10510. Page 161: Graduates of the Educational Opportunities Program from the Class of 1974

10511. Page 217: Chancellor of the State University of New York D. Bruce Johnstone presents the Presidential Medallion to H. Patrick Swygert at the President's Inauguration.

10513. Page 45: Front Cover of Vol. 16 No. 2 of The Echo

10514. Page 71 A-Top: Panoramic view of campus highlighting 1929 addition of (l-r) Milne, Page and Richardson Halls.

10515. Page 98 B-Bottom: Ellen Stokes, Dean of Women.

10516. Page 31: Kate Stoneman, '66; New York suffragist and first women to pass the bar exam in New York State

10517. Page 194: Dr. David Axelrod addressing the crowd at Commencement.

10518. Page 142: "The Cave" in Husted Cafeteria.

10519. Page 126: Walter Tisdale, a retired U.S. Army Engineer, served as the University's liaison with the architect and successfully influenced the final design of the campus.

10520. Page 68 B-Bottom: Women's Gymnastics Class.

10521. Page 32 E-Bottom Right: Andress B. Hull, '62 Civil War Captain

10522. Page 138 A-Top Left: Merlin Hathaway joined the staff in 1944 and oversaw the rapid expansion of physical education and intercollegiate athletics in the 1960s.

10523. Page 89 B-Bottom Left: Jack Smith, '43, later a long-time physics professor at Albany, was present at the explosion of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in 1945.

10524. Page 104 B-Bottom: Faculty member Vivian Hopkins (English and comparative literature).

10525. Page 183 A-Top: Collins Fellow and Psychology Professor Shirley C. Brown.

10526. Page 77 B-Bottom: "Dean Pierce's Idea of Sigma Nu Kappa House," a cartoon from the Psi Gamma Sorority publication The Pretzel.

10527. Page 189 B-Bottom: Zoraida Davis, '91, star player on the women's softball team.

10529. Page 85 E-Middle Right: Faculty member Mattie Green (physician)

10530. Page 59 C-Bottom Right: Anna Boocheever de Beer, '12

10531. Page 174 A-Left: Michael Lampert, '73, became a prominent litigator in New York and New Jersey.

10532. Page 122 A-Top: Quarter Century Club members Henrietta Brett, '15, Jacob Epstein, '15 and Florence Linindoll Hilton, '31 on Alumni Day.

10533. Page 90: Kappa Beta reunion dinner to commemorate the final State College servicemen having been discharged from war service.

10534. Page 50: Professor Wetmore's Natural Sciences Laboratory in the Willett Street Building

10535. Page 143: U.N. Secretary General U Thant visited the campus in 1966 as part of a University Seminar Series on Peaceful Change.

10537. Page 71 B-Bottom: Class of 1920 and 1922 at a Halloween Party.

10538. Page 176: Physics Professor Alain Kaloyeros with graduate students.

10539. Page 35 B-Bottom: Edward B. Horton, '86

10540. Page 110 B-Bottom: Christmas Formal dance, sponsored by the Inter-Sorority and Inter-Fraternity Councils

10541. Page 115 B-Top Right: Clarence Rappleyea, '57

10542. Page 214 B-Bottom Left: Susan Molinari, '80, '81, the first Albany graduate ever elected to Congress.

10543. Page 99 A-Top Left: Construction of Brubacher Hall.

10544. Page 159: A protest on Alumni Quad against the state's action during the Attica Prison uprising.

10545. Page 147 B-Bottom: Action shot of the men's soccer team.

10546. Page 152: Sigma Tau Beta, winners of the prize for best float in the 1969 Homecoming Parade.

10547. Page 127 A-Top: The laying of the cornerstone on Dutch Quad.

10548. Page 73 B-Bottom: Men's Tennis Team.

10549. Page 81: Agnes Futterer

10550. Page 158: A protest in support of the Black Panthers at the State Capitol.