Search Results

201. Correspondence Regarding Representation in the Senate of Contingent Faculty

202. Susanna Fessler Response to Senator Wills' Message Regarding SEC Resolutions

203. Correspondence Responding to Senator David Wills' protest of the SEC Meeting Agenda

204. Correspondence Regarding Committee for Senate Resolution 1112-15R (with attachments)

205. Correspondence Regarding Meeting Schedule of BAG IV Group

206. General Guiding Procedures and Protocol

207. Agenda

208. Meeting Minutes

209. Agenda

210. Meeting Minutes

211. Agenda

212. Meeting Minutes

213. Agenda

214. Minutes

215. Minutes

216. Agenda

217. Agenda

218. Minutes

219. Agenda

220. Minutes

221. Council Committee Reports

222. Agenda

223. Minutes

224. Council and Committee Reports

225. Agenda

226. Minutes

227. Council and Committee Reports

228. Agenda

229. Minutes

230. Council and Committee Reports

231. Chair Report

232. Agenda

233. Minutes

234. Chair Report

235. Agenda

236. Council and Committee Reports

237. Minutes

238. Minutes

239. Spring Meeting of the Faculty - Agenda

240. Procedures for Submission and Review of Program Review Extension Requests

241. Minutes

242. Agenda

243. Report from Gov

244. Agenda

245. Faculty Committee Report

246. Faculty Committee Report

247. Discussion Points of the Assessment of Administrative Units

248. Chair Report

249. Protocol For The Assessment Of Institutional Effectiveness In Research, Public Service, Academic Support, And Administrative Services

250. Agenda

251. Minutes

252. Chair Report

253. Agenda

254. Minutes

255. Report from the Chair

256. Agenda

257. Council and Committee Membership

258. Senate Membership List

259. 1718-01R Incorporating Part-Time and Contingent Faculty in the University Senate

260. Summary of Legislation

261. Senate Membership List

262. Spring University Address by the President - Agenda

263. Correspondence from President Jones regarding the Spring Faculty Address

264. Fall Meeting of the Faculty- Minutes

265. UPPC Committees

266. Agenda

267. Agenda

268. Agenda

269. Meeting Minutes

270. Meeting Minutes

271. Meeting Minutes

272. Report by the Chair of the University Senate

273. Agenda

274. Fall University Address by the President

275. Minutes

276. Agenda

277. Minutes

278. Agenda

279. Committee Reports - for the Nov 02 Meeting

280. Minutes

281. Minutes

282. Agenda

283. Minutes

284. Minutes

285. Agenda

286. Survey on Governance - Faculty and Professional Staff

287. Survey on Governance - Students

288. Survey on Governance - Appendix

289. Meeting Schedules

290. UUP Post-Budget Legislative Points (in support of NYS Senate and Assembly bills)

291. Agenda

292. Council and Committee Reports

293. Minutes

294. Agenda

295. Council and Committee Reports

296. Correspondence Regarding Reorganization of Information Science disciplines within CEAS

297. Minutes

298. Restructuring the ITM department into two separate departments within the School of Business

299. Agenda

300. Reports Submitted for SEC Meeting