Search Results

101. Council on Research Meeting Report

102. Agenda

103. LISC Report

104. UAC's Chair Report

105. Minutes

106. Senate Chair's Report for Senate

107. SUNY UFS Senators Report

108. LISC Report

109. Graduate Academic Council Report for Senate

110. Council on Research Meeting Report

111. Memo to University Senate-CNSE Reunification: Senate Consultation Process

112. CAA Chair's Report

113. LISC Meeting Minutes

114. Agenda

115. Report of the University Life Council to the Senate Meeting

116. Undergraduate Academic Council Chair Report

117. UCAA Session: Trauma-Informed Advising

118. Minutes

119. Senate Chair's Report

120. Senate Chair's Report

121. Council on Research Meeting Report

122. Agenda

123. 2023 SUNY UFS Winter Plenary Notes

124. 2023 SUNY UFS - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Fellows description

125. SUNY UFS - Call for Nominations Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Fellows

126. SUNY University Faculty Senate Report

127. Meeting Minutes

128. Resolution on Council on Research Participation in Artificial Intelligence Initiative Decision-Making

129. Agenda

130. LISC Report

131. Meeting Minutes (amended)

132. Senate Chair's Report

133. LISC Report

134. Graduate Student Association Report

135. Graduate Academic Council Report

136. Council on Research Report

137. Council on Academic Assessment Report

138. Agenda

139. LISC Meeting Minutes

140. University Planning and Policy Council Chair’s Report

141. SUNY University Faculty Senate Report

142. Meeting Minutes (amended)

143. Senate Chair's Report

144. LISC Meeting Minutes

145. Council on Research Meeting Report for SEC and Senate Meetings

146. GOV-Procedures for Senate Meetings

147. Agenda

148. LISC Report

149. SUNY University Faculty Senate Report

150. Senate Chair’s Report