Resultados de la búsqueda

1.Rahn, R. Joel, "Dana Meadows Award Announcement"

2.Pruyt, Erik, "Benelux Chapter Poster Presentation and Annual Meeting"

3.Ford, David with Martin Schaffernicht, Paulo Goncalves, Ricardo Chaim and Aldo Zagonel, "The use of the Society's capacity development funding: the Brazilian Chapter experience"

4.Chaim, Ricardo with Isaías Custodio and Aldo Zagonel, "Brazil Chapter Poster Presentation and Annual Meeting"

5.Armenia, Stefano, "SYstem Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC) Poster Presentation and Annual Meeting"

6.Zagonel, Aldo with Mohammad Mojtahedzadeh, Ricardo Chaim and Lorena Cadavid, "A hands-on, case-study demonstration of the modeling process, from problem definition to policy implications"

7.Martinez-Moyano, Ignacio with Mark Jusko, "System Dynamics Model Documentation and Assessment Tool (SDM-Doc)"

8.Zilouchian, Emad with Arturo Cardenas Martinez, Saeed Koochak-Yazdi and Hani Murad, "Industry Analysis: The Fastener Supply Chain in Aerospace Industry"

9.Yavas, Mustafa with Gizem Bacaksizlar, "Financial Sustainability of Social Security Institutions in the Presence of Aging Populations"

10.Yasarcan, Hakan with Togay Tanyolac, "A Soft Landing Model and an Experimental Platform as an Introductory Control Design Tool"