Resultados de la búsqueda

1.Wood, William T., "Modeling Stochastic Processes with System Dynamics"

2.Wolstenholme Eric F., "Development of System Dynamics into a More Complete Methodology for Practical Systemic Enquiry"

3.White , Norman F., "System Models in the Health Sciences"

4.Weil, Henry Birdseye, "What is an Adequate Model?"

5.Wang, Qifan with John D. Sterman, "A Disaggregate Population Model of China"

6.Vasarhelyi , Miklos, "Counterintuitive Economic Consequences of Accounting Policies: A Dynamic Analysis"

7.Van Buren, Gregory with David H. Goodstein, "Development of a Casual User Interface for Simulation Models"

8.Torrealdea, F.with J. M. Graña, "Some Ideas for a History Dynamics Model"

9.Thompson, Ray with R. C. Shreckengost, "Using System Dynamics to Improve the Management of Working Capital in a Small Business"

10.Sterman, John D., " A Simple Model of the Economic Long Wave"