AFSCME President Gerald McEntee holds up a sign stating, "Giambra, you're fired" at a Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Erie County rally against big business taking over county services held on September 29, 2005. Gerald McEntee is standing in front of the Erie County Office Building where County Executive Joel Giambra's office is located.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue, left, introducing AFSCME International President Gerald McEntee at the 2007 CSEA Annual Delegates Meeting held in Lake Placid, NY.
AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Bill Lucy welcomes new delegates to the 95th Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Annual Delegates Meeting held in Buffalo, NY.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Treasurer Maureen Malone, AFSCME President Gerald McEntee, and CSEA President Danny Donohue hold up a check presented by CSEA to the AFSCME Fallen Heroe Fund. CSEA donated a total of $25,795 to the Fallen Heroes Fund, which aids victims of the 2005 Gulf Coast disasters. The check was presented to AFSCME at CSEA's 95th Annual delegates Meeting.
AFSCME President Gerald McEntee speaks to Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) delegates at the 95th Annual Delegates Meeting held in Buffalo, NY. In McEntee's speech to the delegates, he stressed the importance of representation, organization, and political action.
Five Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)/AFSCME members play Wheel of Fortune at the 1999 taping of "Wheels Salute to the American family" on the game show Wheel of Fortune.
Wheel of Fortune Host Pat Sajak and Vanna White welcome AFL-CIO Executive Vice president Linda Chavez-Thompson at the 1999 taping of "Wheels Salute to the Working Family" on the game show Wheel of Fortune which featured contestants that are Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members. Chavez-Thompson is a former AFSCME International Vice president and the highest ranking woman in the Labor Movement.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members and twin sisters, Marietta Brown (in green) and Maquerita Alexander (in red) of Albany, New York are congratulated by host Pat Sajak and Vanna White during a 1999 taping of "Wheel's Salute to the American Working Family" on the Wheel of Fortune. Twins Brown and Alexander won $21,695 in cash and a trailer.
Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak converses with several AFSCME members including twins and Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members, Marietta Brown (in green) and Maquerita Alexander (in red), of Albany, NY, during the taping of the 1999 "Wheels Salute to the American Working Family" on the Wheel of Fortune.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) members and twin sisters, Marietta Brown (in green) and Maquerita Alexander (in red) of Albany, New York are congratulated by host Pat Sajak and Vanna White during a 1999 taping of "Wheel's Salute to the American Working Family" on the Wheel of Fortune. Twins Brown and Alexander won $21,695 in cash and a trailer.