A large group of unidentified students sitting at desks and on the floor in a crowded classroom, listening to an instructor give a lecture at the State University of New York at Albany. The intstructor is holding a piece of chalk and standing in front of a blackboard.
An unidentified male student of the State University of New York at Albany sitting by a blackboard in a classroom during a lecture at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks in all margins of the original.
An unidentified faculty member explaining something on the blackboard to a student. There are crop marks on all sides of the photograph and in the bottom margin is written "3 1/4" reduce to 40%" and the number 21 enclosed in a circle.
An unidentified faculty member explaining something on the blackboard to a student. There are crop marks and in the left margin is a note of "to 48 picas" (between arrows) and in the bottom margin a note of "to 29.5" (between arrows).
A picture of an unidentified professor instructing a student at the blackboard in the Lecture Center. It appears to be a lesson in mathematics. There are crop marks and in the left and bottom margins are instructions to "reduce to 14 picas" (both between arrows). Also in the bottom margin is noted, "PHOTO M."