The box the audio reel is in is totally unlabeled. This is a copy of Reel 001 which is from Fox Hollow 1972. David Bromberg is the first to perform. He is followed by Eric and Martha Nagler with Evelyne Beers. The MC sounds like Eric Nagler, he also mentions that he often MCs the festival.
Labeled as a recording of Tom Paxton, no date provided. This belongs is Box 137 featuring Bruce Cockburn and Guy Carawan. Cockburn features first and is the main musician heard on the recording. Carawan features toward the end singing ?New Born Soul?. Box 137 also labels Dave Bromberg as accompanying Carawan, although it is hard to tell.
Labeled as a 1968 submaster from Fox Hollow, the recording does not match the label. The first performers are unnamed but have appeared before. Dave Bromberg features with the Fabulous Torpedoes. Sounds like this recording has been edited together. Steven Burg and Andy Statman are named as members of the Torpedoes.
The box is labeled as a recording from Fox Hollow 1971. This is a copy of Reel 037 recorded at the Delmar Coffee House. Bill Spence and Walter Michael feature on dulcimers. The second performance is by the Bottle Hill Boys. Dave Bromberg features with the Fabulous Torpedoes, Steve Burgh and Andy Statman. Mud Acres: Paul Siebel, Bill Keith, Tony Brown, Jim Rooney, Eric Kaz, Maria Muldaur, Artie Traum, and Happy Traum feature fourth.
Labeled as a recording from Fox Hollow 1975. The Box is labeled as #14, the Reel itself is labeled #2. This is a copy of Reel 037 recorded at the Delmar Coffee House. Bill Steele and Walter Michael feature on dulcimers. The Bottle Hill Boys, Dave Bromberg and the Fabulous Torpedoes, and Mud Acres feature. Mud Acres is made up of Paul Seibel, Bill Keith, Tony Brown, Jim Rooney, Maria Muldaur, Artie Traum, and Happy Traum. It starts with the end of another unnamed performer?s set and the MC is unnamed.
Labeled as a recording form Fox Hollow 1973. Is actually form the Delmar Coffee House, sounds like another copy of Reel 037. Bill Spence and Walter Michael feature on dulcimers. Also featured are The Bottle Hill Boys, Dave Bromberg and the Fabulous Torpedoes, and Mud Acres: Paul Seibel, Bill Keith, Tony Brown, Jim Rooney, Maria Muldaur, Artie Traum, and Happy Traum. It starts with the end of another unnamed performer?s set.
A recording from Fox Hollow 1973. This is a copy of recording 063. Eric Nagler speaks about the Vietnam draft before performing. Evelyne Beers, Martha Nagler and Abby [last name unknown] join Eric Nagler. Johnny Shines and David Bromberg feature together. John Herald appears accompanied by Stowall, Ungar, and Brody [as written on Box 067], and Aly Bane. Sonia Malkine features last
Labeled as a recording from the 1973 Fox Hollow festival. This recording belongs in Box 067. The first musicians to feature are Eric and Marth Nagler. It is unclear who the Nagler?s are performing with. It sounds like Evelyne Beers performs ?Seasons of Peace?. There is no MC. Johnny Shine features alongside Dave Bromberg. John Herald performs third accompanied by Stowall, Ungar, and Brody [as written on Box 067]. Aly Bane features on ?The Battle of New Orleans?. Sonia Malkine, features last on this recording; she is a musician from France.
A recording from the Fox Hollow festival labeled as from 1974. It sounds like a copy of reel 026 which is labeled as from 1972. It features Bill Steele. Other musicians are unknown, there is no MC, and none are named on the box.
Spring Folk Sampler #6, year unverified, possibly 1971. Recorded at the Delmar Coffee House in Delmar, NY. Sounds like a copy of reel 037. It starts with the end of another unnamed performer. This recording features Bill Spence and Walter Michael, The Bottle Hill Boys, Dave Bromberg and the Fabulous Torpedoes, and Mud Acres: Paul Seibel, Bill Keith, Tony Brown, Jim Rooney, Maria Muldaur, Artie Traum, and Happy Traum.