Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter was the guest of the Foundation of Advocacy for Mental Health at an Albany Reception April 24, 2006. The event helped focus attention on the importance of overcoming stigma and addressing mental health needs. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue is on the Board of Directors of the Foundation of Advocacy for Mental Health. From left to right are: Senate Majority Leader Joeseph Bruno, Albany Mayor Gerald Jennings, Carter and former First Lady of New York Matilda Cuomo.
New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno speaking at the annual Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) /AFSCME New York Lobby Day. Bruno is a Republican representing the 43rd Senate District.
State lawmakers, including Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, Senators Neil Breslin, Nicholas Spano and George Maziarz, Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco and Assemblymen Robert Reilly, John McEneny and Roy McDonald turned out in force to support the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)'s Campaign for Quality Care in New York's developmental disabiities system at an Albany news conference. The Quality Care campaign is necessary because of an epidemic in turnover rates ? up to 40 percent annually among front line employees of many not-for-profit agencies that threaten the long-term quality standards of services and care.
Senator Majority Leader Joseph Bruno and Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue meet with child care providers from across New York state attending a two-day child care advocacy summit in Albany hosted by CSEA and the Voice of Independent Childcare Educators (VOICE). VOICE is a professional association of more than 700 family child care providers working with CSEA to improve their profession and the quality of care for the children they serve. Bruno expressed his commitment to working with CSEA and VOICE on the challenges providers face.
New York State Governor George E. Pataki signing legislation awarding retired public employees in New York a supplement to their pensions. Among the dignitaries looking on are New York State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, Office of Management Confidential Employees President Barbara Zaron, Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue, New York AFL-CIO President Ed Cleary and New York State Comptroller H. Carl McCall. CSEA, New York State's largest union, fought long and hard for the bill which was a top legislative priority for years.