Robert Rauff, Equipment Operator 3 and Oyster Bay Local executive vice president, with United States Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand at the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Federal Political Action Program training. Gillibrand, who represents New York State's 20th Congressional District that includes a large area of the Capital Region, Hudson Valley and Champlain Valley spoke to CSEA's Federal Political Action Liaisons (PALs) recently, discussing congressional priorities and issues that relate to CSEA members. The weekend Federal PALS training session included a workshop on using the CSEA website to lobby congressional leaders and discussions about universal health care. CSEA's Federal PALS lobby federal lawmakers on issues that affect CSEA members. CSEA is New York State's largest union.
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member Viola Rauff with two dogs rescued after a Jericho veterinary technician noticed the same woman repeatedly brought in sick and injured animals over the course of several weeks. The technician alerted authorities and more than 100 animals were removed from the house. Thanks to CSEA members employed at an animal shelter in Oyster Bay, in Long Island, NY, the animals now have a second chance at a healthy, happy life.
Rodrigo Mujica, an activist and Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member of the Oyster Bay Local in the Long Island Region, was named the February PEOPLE Recruiter of the Month. Mujica is shown here on the job as an Oyster Bay sanitation worker. CSEA's PEOPLE program protects and improves our jobs, benefits and pensions in Washington, Albany and in your community. Your support and participation in PEOPLE strengthens CSEA's clout in the workplace, in the legislature, in your community and in the labor movement.