1.) Host Peter Berle talks with transportation expert Ian Lockwood about traffic problems Virginia residents are having with Route 50 and what he believes is the solution to those problems, traffic calming. 2.) Thomas Lalley talks with Jack Sobel of the Center for Marine Conservation about the controversy over a proposed Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. 3.) In the segment Portrait of a Place author Mary Byrd Davis talks about an old growth forest in Kentucky. 4.) In the Earth Calendar segment Berle talks with Ron Nevine of the Oceanides Foundation about penguins in Antarctica. 5.) In the segment Talking Green Berle talks with Jack Barnett of the Environmental Protection Agency, Glen Pollow of te Iowa Prairie Network and Ron Clitaski of the Audubon Society about the Tallgrass Prairie National Park. 6.) Author Gary Ferguson reads nature myth about the almond tree from his book "Spirits of the Wild". 7.) Stephanie Goitchman talks with author David Ritz about his biography of Marvin Gaye and Gaye's environmental activism.