1.) Host Bruce Robertson visits Green Mountain Power, located on Mt. Equinox in Vermont. He talks with John Zimmerman, an energy consultant, about the wind power Green Mountain generates. 2.) Robertson joins with the James Bay Task Force as they go on a 12 week bike tour to generate support for the cancellation of New York state's contract with Hydro Quebec.
1.) Correspondent Dan Matheson reports on his trip to the James Bay region of Canada to explore the area maintained by Hydro Quebec. 2.) Matheson then talks with various officials including Pierre Brunet, vice president of Hydro Quebec about their support of the James Bay II project. 3.) Host Bruce Robertson shares an interview with Cree Chief Matthew Coon Come where he shares his opposition to the project.
1.) Host Bruce Robertson discusses the Exxon Valdez oil spill. He talks with individuals from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about the initial data from the spill and whether it was exaggerated or underreported. 2.) Kent Patterson reports from Albuquerque, New Mexico on the recent protests regarding the use of the insecticide carbofuran. 3.) Robertson reports on the continuing controversy surrounding Hydro-Que?bec's hyrdo power project. Robertson talks with proponents on both sides of the issue.
1.) Host Bruce Robertson discusses the recent proposal of a hydro power project by Hydro-Quebec that will flood a portion of land the size of France. Robertson talks with Inuit and Cree leaders, whose land would be flooded and destroyed by this plan, about their opposition to the project. Robertson also talks with the vice president of Hydro-Quebec, who states that the project will almost certainly continue despite protests. 2.) Robert Mullins reports from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where a suit has been filed to protect Nicolet forest from excessive timber production.