A picture of Elaine Barber Hritz, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1931 as she receives the Bertha E. Brimmer Medal from Douglas E. Lincoln (viewer's right) at an event associated with the State University of New York at Albany Alumni Day, June 18, 1966.
A picture of Elaine Barber Hritz, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1931 as she receives the Bertha E. Brimmer Medal from Douglas E. Lincoln (viewer's right) also New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1931, at an event associated with the State University of New York at Albany Alumni Day, June 18, 1966. There are crop marks on all sides of the photograph.
A picture of Ray Byrne (viewer's far left) receiving the Bertha E. Brimmer Medal. With Byrne are, left to right, Bertha E. Brimmer, New York State Normal College, Class Of 1900, Gladys Newell, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1930, and Douglas Linclon, New York State College for Teachers, Class of 1931. The event is assoicated with the New York State College for Teachers Alumni Day festivities, 1958.
A picture of, left to right: Genevieve Shorey Moore, Class of 1934 and 1939; Douglas Lincoln, Class of 1931; and Esther Jansen, Class of 1926 and 1930. They are holding the painting, "The Hill Road," by Grandma Moses, which was presented for display in Pierce Hall by Alice Brown Moses, Class of 1915. The event is associated with Alumni Day, 1956 and all alumni are graduates of the New York State College for Teachers. There are crop marks on two sides of the photograph.