A portrait of Pat Terenzini of the Office of Institutional Research at the State University of New York at Albany. There are crop marks on all sides of the original.
A picture of Nell Sedransk, a Mathematics faculty member, instructing a student. There are crop marks and instruction to reduce the image "to 30 picas" in the left margin (between arrows) and "to 39 picas" (between arrows) in the bottom margin. Also in the bottom margin, lower right, is a note of "Photo 6 p. 2 95% of orig."
Nell Sedransk, a Mathematics faculty member, instructing a student. There are crop marks and instructions to "reduce to 18 picas" inside arrows in the bottom margin and "reduce to 16 picas" inside arrows in the right margin. Also in the right margin is noted "81%" and "Photo N" underlined.