1) The disappearance of wetlands around the Great Lakes is discussed by Steven Westcott, 2) In the Origins of Life series Peter Berle talks about the formation of the earth's moon, 3) Linda Anderson reports on Recycline a comapany which makes recycled toothbrushes, 4) In the Earth Calendar Peter Berle reports on the end of the maple sugar season, 5) Steven Westcott talks with an engineer from IBM about that company's manufacturing of computer cases from recycled plastics, 6) In the Talking Green segment Peter Berle talks about the loss of farmland acreage in the U.S., 7) In Greentips Peter Berle talks about how to remove dandelions from your lawn without using pesticides and chemicals, 8) Craig Lambert reads from his book "Mind over Water."
1.) Host Bruce Robertson discusses the controversy over President Clinton's new wetlands policy and talks with proponents from both sides of the issue. 2.) Robertson talks with Larry Sombke, author of "Beautiful Easy Gardens", about using your microwave to dry herbs. 3.) Joseph Cooper reports from the Florida Keys about the deteriorating health of Florida Bay, and talks with various scientists and citizens about the issue.
1.) Host Bruce Robertson talks with wetlands scientist Scott Firebend about Pres. Bush's recent decision to redefine the term wetlands and the damaging effects it may have. 2.) Robertson talks with Congressman Sherwood Boehlert about his recent proposal to elevate the Environmental Protection Agency to a cabinet position. 3.) Bob Rija talks with Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone about the need for a sound national energy policy. 4.) Robertson talks with photographer Mirella Ricciardi about her new book "Vanishing Amazon" and the recent trip she made to Brazil where she witnessed the destruction of acres of rainforest.
1.) Host Bruce Robertson discusses the recent controversy over President Bush's decision to redefine wetlands. 2.) Richard Grossman reads a poem from his anthology "The Animals". 3.) Lesley Lomas reports on the events in Colorado surrounding the Wirth-Brown Bill, a wilderness preservation bill that may effect water rights. 4.) Robertson talks with John Schafer of the Real Goods Trading Company about the success of their recent "Off the Grid" day.