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1. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, left, at the...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2001 November 1
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/fn1074970?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T16:26:33Z
- Description:
- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, left, at the Civil Service Employees Association's 2001 Annual Delegates Meeting in Buffalo, NY. Clinton is holding a denim shirt and a glass bowl on a pedestal that were gifts from CSEA. Also shown are CSEA Statewide Secretary Barbara Reeves (partially blocked) and CSEA President Danny Donohue.(5 x 7 in. photograph)
- Subject:
- Labor unions, Wofford, Ron, Reeves, Barbara, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), Labor--History, Donohue, Danny, and Clinton, William Jefferson, 1946-
2. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2001 September
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/w0892h26j?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T16:18:02Z
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue and CSEA Western Region President Flo Tripi, centered behind a Monroe County banner, leading a contingent of CSEA members in the 2001 Rochester Labor Parade in Rochester, New York. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Labor Day, Labor union members, Parades, Labor unions, Wofford, Ron, Tripi, Flo, Rochester (N.Y.), and Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.)
3. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2004 April
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/6m311v72g?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:57:13Z
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) President Danny Donohue, Rochester, New York, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) Chapter President and CSEA staff person Debbie Lee and Rochester City Councilman Wade Norwood. The Rochester Chapter of CBTU honored Donohue, an AFSCME International Vice President, for his long-time union leadership, advocacy for workers' rights, and a host of accomplishments and achievements for working people at its annual convention in Rochester in 2004. The CBTU consists of members from 50 international and national unions with 55 chapters across the country. The basic objectives of the CBTU include: putting forth greater and more creative efforts to improve the image of labor throughout the community; and working within the framework of the trade union movement to provide a voice and vehicle for greater black and minority participation. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- Photographers, AFSCME, Labor union members, Lee, Debbie, Rochester City Council (N.Y.), Wofford, Ron, Rochester Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (N.Y.), Rochester (N.Y.), Donohue, Danny, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), Norwood, Wade, and Labor unions
4. Two Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1997 March
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/5x21tn20x?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:53:40Z
- Description:
- Two Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) local presidents from Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, standing next to a union-sponsored bus stop shelter ad supporting keeping the world-renown RPCI a public-owned facility. Brian J. Madden, left, is president of CSEA RPCI Local 303 and Jim Jayes, right, is president of CSEA Health Research, Inc. (Buffalo) Local 315. The ads appeared on several bus stop shelters, public transit buses and a billboard in the Buffalo area as part of a union-sponsored media advertising campaign in the Buffalo area.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Madden, Brian J., Labor union members, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (N.Y.), Buffalo (N.Y.), Labor unions, Wofford, Ron, and Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.)
5. Gowanda Psychiatric Center employees celebrating...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1990 December
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/76537709q?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:24:18Z
- Description:
- Gowanda Psychiatric Center employees celebrating T-shirt Tuesday, when employees wear special bright blue T-shirts to work that day each week, part of a Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) campaign to keep New York State from closing the facility. In the front of this group is CSEA Local 408 President Wayne Jones. The T-shirt has a picture of a foot (Office of Mental Health) stomping on "Gowanda." The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Gowanda Psychiatric Center (N.Y.), Labor union members, Jones, Wayne, Labor unions, Wofford, Ron, New York State Office of Mental Health, and Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.)
6. Delegates to Civil Service Employees Association...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2001 November
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/nk322m04k?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:16:01Z
- Description:
- Delegates to Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)'s 91st Annual Delegates Meeting in Buffalo, New York, demonstrating at a unity rally in front of the Erie County Office Building. In a show of labor solidarity in an atmosphere of tough economic conditions, CSEA activists were fired up about their union, fired up about democracy, and fired up for the challenges that lie ahead. The CSEA is New York State's largest union.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Labor union members, Erie County (N.Y.), Buffalo (N.Y.), Labor unions, Wofford, Ron, CSEA Annual Delegates Meeting, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and Demonstrations
7. A delegate admires an American flag quilt...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2001 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/tt44pt588?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:11:35Z
- Description:
- A delegate admires an American flag quilt assembled during the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) 2001 Annual Delegates Meeting from hundreds of patches sewn by CSEA Units, Locals, and staff.
- Subject:
- Labor union members, Flag quilts, and Wofford, Ron
8. 50-year Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 2000 October
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/9p290g89f?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T15:11:08Z
- Description:
- 50-year Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) member Concetta Giambra holding Monroe County (New York) Local's 50-year old CSEA charter. Giambra was among the first members to sign the original charter. Giambra's daughter Bernadette, the Monroe County Local president, accepted the local's 50-year CSEA banner at the union's 90th Annual Delegates Meeting in October 2000.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Labor union members, CSEA Monroe County Local (N.Y.), Giambra, Bernadette, Labor unions, Wofford, Ron, CSEA Annual Delegates Meeting, Civil Service Employees Association (N.Y.), and Giambra, Concetta
9. Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Board...
- Type:
- Image
- Date Created:
- 1997
- Collection:
- Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. (CSEA), American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1000 Records
- Collecting Area:
- New York State Modern Political Archive
- Collection ID:
- apap015
- Thumbnail Path Ss:
- /downloads/8g84ms58w?file=thumbnail
- System Modified Dtsi:
- 2019-01-31T14:36:29Z
- Description:
- Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Board of Directors representative Carol Thornton holding a portion of a sculpture she created in tribute to four CSEA social service workers murdered while on the job in Schuyler County in 1992.
- Subject:
- Photographers, Labor unions, Sculpture, and Wofford, Ron