
162511. Page 162: Louis T. Benezet succeeded Evan Collins as President in 1970 after a year-long term by Acting President Kuusisto.

162512. Page 87 B-Right: John Sayles, who succeeded Brubacher as Acting President in 1939 and President in 1941.

162513. Page 171 B-Top Right: Professor Marguerite Warren of the School of Criminal Justice.

162515. Page 163: Harry L. Hamilton, professor of atmospheric science, speaks at a Senate meeting. Students focused on gaining membership in the University Senate in 1969.

162516. Page 203: Tom Smith, Professor of English and associate director of the New York Writers Institute addresses the Authors and Editors Recognition Program.

162517. Page 212: The 1993 Pan-Hellenic Council

162518. Page 32 B-Top Right: Albert N. Husted, '55; Mathematics Professor and Lt. and later Cpt. in 44th NY Volunteer Company

162519. Page 84: Abram Brubacher

162520. Page 175 A-Top: A performance of Marat Sade in 1972 was directed by faculty member Jarka Burian.